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11 General + 9 Inside The Room Steps For Success In Auditions


The audition process in India and abroad is different.


In the USA and Europe you get time to prepare. Once you are short listed for an audition from your resume and head shots, you are given the relevant script or what they call "Sides" well in advance. Therefore, you get sufficient time to prepare.
However, sometimes you are called for an audition without a "sides" and you have to do a "Cold Reading", which means-you have to just read a script in front of people or camera, for your audition.
Here, sometimes, it's difficult. Once you are shortlisted, you are called for an audition without providing you a script in advance. It’s given to you when you reach for an audition and you are supposed to memorize in a few minutes. That makes a new actor or a model tense. Rarely the character is explained to you. However, this is more applicable to small budget feature films or for serials. In ads/commercials, they explain a character


  1. Research
  2. Find out everything about the production house, the director, about commercial or film or serial
  3. Prepare 
  4. One or two monologues depicting different emotions, whether demanded or not
  5. Keep your Head shots, Resume and Show reel ready with you
  6. Dress
  7. Unless told specifically, dress more towards formal side. A light color shirt and dark trouser (not black) are better. Girls should wear a decent Salwar Kameez or a Sari. No flashy dresses. If in doubt, please ASK!
  8. Be punctual
  9. Reach at least 15 minutes before the time given to you
  10. Smile
  11. Confidence
It sounds simple, but it takes practice. Walk in the door with your head held high. Be wary of shuffling feet. You don't get sympathy points if you're nervous, not feeling well, or having a bad day. Leave it outside the door. You are being sized up the minute you walk in, so practice good posture and body language before you arrive. And don’t forget to smile – that's the lasting impression you want to leave.
  • Personality 
Let it shine through. Don’t give one-word answers when having a conversation with the casting director. Ask questions! The industry is looking for smart, curious actors.
  • Character 
Even if the lines (Sides) are given to you just as you arrived, don’t panic. There are quick memorizing techniques given in this blog. Prepare to memorize. Know the character. Read the entire lines or script beforehand to pick-up as many clues as possible. We know about a character by the following:
- What he/she says about himself/herself
- What other characters say about him/her

  • Inside audition room
  1. Enter gracefully and smiling
  2. Wish all the people inside
  3. Wait for someone to talk and give you instructions
  4. Follow instructions carefully
  5. Be in your character; look at the camera or as advised
  6. Shoot without worrying right or wrong
  7. If the director asks you to re-do it  in a different way, improvise and shoot again. This is a good sign. The director has seen something good in you
  8. Thank everybody present and walk out gracefully
  9. You have done your best. There is nothing in your hands now.
Go out and celebrate with a cup of tea or coffee. It was a fantastic performance! 

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