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Here is an actress with no money
No job and money since long
If you want to become an actor, keep in mind that much of your acting life will be spent not working for pay. Many young performers do not realize this as they go out into the world and are sorely disappointed. There will be long periods of financial instability. 
Therefore, my advice will be, at the beginning of your career, to take up some other job on a part time basis to support you until you get some footing and start earning a reasonable and a regular income by being an actor.
It will take time for you to establish yourself as an actor. You can get a good base going by doing the following:

  • Take classes.
  • Audition as often as you can.
  • Send out head shots to casting directors and agents.
  • Attend acting seminars.

Remember that there is no such thing as an overnight success. Every performer you see on stage or on screen has had to work hard to become an actor or actress and get where he or she is today. Keep plugging away at your craft and work will come your way.
Above all, stay patient and focused!

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