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Forget Expensive Acting Schools | Learn Free Self Training Art

How to learn acting free
There are thousands of young  who look at the colourful imaginary life of Bollywood or Hollywood stars in movies or TV and aspire to become one. They dream day and day out. The desire to be a star is so intense that everything else in life takes a back seat. Some of them just land up in Mumbai and start walking like a super star the moment they walk out from CST railway station. However, in few days the truth starts dawning upon them.  Apart from the problems of housing and other expenses, they realise that to be an actor, a professional training is essential to master the craft.
Ninety percent of aspiring actor come from a middle or lower middle class families from other metro, small cities and villages. They have dreams but meagre financial resources.  Unfortunately, their dreams get shattered when they face the reality of the cost of a professional learning which ranges from Rs. 1lac ($ 2300) to 4 lacs ($ 7000)! Added to this are other  additional expenses of housing, food, portfolio, show reel, transport etc.  Some go back, some continue to seek other jobs, some get depressed and fall to drugs and alcohol and some even commit suicide!
I have personally seen many such distressed cases and had been thinking how I can help these aspiring actors to learn acting without spending huge amounts!
I had hit upon the technique while coaching a student who was following my instructions. This bright aspiring actor, a girl by the name of Anita practised my suggestions for a year and when I saw her performing in a TV serial performing well, I congratulated and asked her how she did so well without joining a good school. She told me she followed religiously what I taught her as a one on one coach.
It’s then I decided to help other struggling actors

Here is the secret!

Remember, the objective of every acting school, teacher, coach and mentor is to make you a good actor. It means you must be able to transform yourself into that “Character” as required by a script or desired by a director. Keep in mind that a story has numerous characters of different types from the different walks of life and your success will depend on your ability to perform different types of “Characters”. These people may be in our neighbourhood, on a street, in the offices, in the villages or anywhere

  • This technique, however, needs two essential requirements from you. If you are committed, the technique will work otherwise not.

  1. Total commitment
  2. Perseverance (To follow and practice continuesly)


  1. A diary and a pen to fit into your pocket
  2. A mobile with a sound and video recording facility
  3. Access to computer

The technique is based on

  1. Being aware of types of characters we see in our lives and categorizing them based on attitudes and emotions exhibited
  2. Observation
  3. Noting down (best if recording on mobile possible)
  4. Practising day and day out

Step 1

  1. Start observing keenly at 3 people a day you see.
  2. You can visit a nearby garden and observe people 
  3. They could be a auto driver, a co passenger in the local train, train conductor, a shopkeeper, a traffic police man, a man with a disability, a watch man, a Janitor, a college girl, a house wife walking, a father leaving his daughter to school, professor, businessman/woman etc depending upon whether you are a male or a female aspiring actor
  4. Try to look for a character with a peculiar dress, face, walk posture, gestures, looks, accent etc 
  5. Note down in a diary for each person his/her minute details of physical profile, dress, attitude (for example aggressive, frightened, happy, comical, drunk. arrogant etc (Read this) or emotions shown (for example love, hate, anger, astonishment, disgust, fear, peace etc.). Discreetly, record a character on mobile, if possible

Step 2

Write from your diary into Microsoft word. If you don’t have a computer, copy into a note book

Step 3


  1. For each “character” you have observed, think of the scene in which you have seen that “character”
  2. Is image of the scene clear or blurred?
  3. Does it appear in color?
  4. Can you see every details in that scene?
  5. Repeat the above for the person you have observed in the scene (height, dress, shoes, face, body details, voice, gestures etc.)

Step 4

Categorized this person as per the profession like “auto driver”, “shop salesman” etc. Write in front of the category attitude/ emotions exhibited by the person like shy, selfish, sad, angry, arrogant, saintly etc.
Type                                                Attitude/ Emotions
Temple priest (Pandit Ji)        Soft spoken, Radiating peace, saintly

Step 5

  1. Now, think “IF” you are that “character”.
  2. Play the “Character”
  3. Go to a full size mirror and play that “character”.  Add few lines as if spoken by the person you have observed. If there is no mirror then practice in front of your friend or a relative. This is necessary for this technique.  If you forget anything, refer your notes. Ask your friend or a relative how you have performed. Remember, when they watch, they are your camera.
  4. Practice all 3 observed types for the day

Step 6

Once a while call your friends/ relatives and give a performance of different types of characters you have practised. Record your performance on your mobile and continue taking opinion of others.
Be your own critic and go on improving.
Follow this regularly without fail

Step 7

However, you will have to focus also on other success factors. These again are in your direct control without spending big money!

  • How to memorize lines?
  • Whom and how to contact casting directors?
  • How to create a website?
  • How to create a good portfolio?
  • How to make a show reel?
  • How to network and market yourself?

Where is the solution for the above?

What about the big factor, Luck?
Its here-
I am wishing you...Soon you will be a good actor!
If you need any help for this simple technique, you are welcome to contact me 919920991661
Good luck


  1. wow..... thanks kiran sir for this blog ,,, its very helpful knowledge to learn in our daily routine and its simple way to know/observe the character.

  2. kiran sir can u tell me about pollywood/punjabi film industry that how to find casting agency/casting director to the entry

    1. You can get info on pollywood from the following sites:
      Also, visit and for casting calls in Punjab and especially Chandigarh
