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12 Top Acting Schools and a Personal Coach You Can Trust

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Joker points acting schools and coach in India

Go You Want Join The Best Acting School?

Or Looking For A Private "One on One" Top Acting Coach?

Here They Are 

You can visit their website and get the details. The fee for the courses are  high, but these schools seem reliable, as per my knowledge on the date.


However, please note that the situation may change in a school in the context of the present faculty, standard of training etc. Therefore, please check carefully by visiting personally and doing some research.

1. *FTII, Pune Film and Television Institute of India or FTII is located in Pune. The Institute offers 2 year PG Diploma in Acting. Expensive: 2 Lakhs?

2. *The Barry John Acting studio
The Barry John Acting studio is in Mumbai and offers various courses including the Diploma and Certificate courses in acting. Expensive: 2 Lakhs?

3. *National School of Drama (NSD), Delhi
NSD offers a 3 year course which leads to a PG diploma in Dramatic Arts.

4. Anupan Kher’s, Actor Prepares
The institute offers full time and part time course in acting.The institute has branches in Mumbai,Ahmedabad and Chandigarh.

5. *Subhash Ghai’s, Whistling Woods International
Subhash Ghai is the chairman of Whistling Woods International, Mumbai. The courses include a 2 year course in acting. Expensive: 9 Lakhs?

6. Roshan Taneja Acting Studio
Roshan Taneja Acting Studio in Mumbai offers 6 months course in acting.

7. AAFT, Noida 
Asian Academy of Film and Television is located in Noida,UP. AAFT offers 3 months and 1 year programs in acting.

8. *Kishore Namit Kapoor Acting Institute
Kishore Namit Kapoor Acting Institute in Mumbai offers 3 months course in acting.

9. Delhi Film Institute
The Delhi Film Institute is located in South Extension, Delhi. The institute offers 2 months acting course in acting.

Zee academy of media arts is located in Mumbai and it offers a 3 month course in acting.

10. Digital Film School, Mumbai

11. Kreating Charakters Pvt. Ltd
Established in 2005, they claim to be the best acting training institute in Mumbai.
Contact Phone: +91 98924 56347
               +91 98210 18560

12. Grace Acting Academy
* Weekend courses are economical (Rs. 15,000). The rest is from Rs. 30,000 to Rs.1,50,000
301, 3rd Flr, Trans Avenue, before Ganesh Acharya Hall.
Above VLCC, Behind MTNL Tel Exchange
Mahada, 4 Bungalow, Andheri West, Mumbai -400053
Web site:http://www.graceacting.com/

Star acting coach
 13. Top Professional Acting Coach
For adults and kids
Kiran Pande
Acting coach, Audition doctor, Filmmaker, Film Story Writer and Actor
Personalized courses designed for each individual 
Ghatkopar East, Mumbai 400089

Please read the following post before deciding on a school and paying a big money:
Acting School or Acting Coach for Bollywood Entry? Best Choice

Updated post of 2013

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  1. Sir is kreating charakters worth going??

    1. Visit the institute yourself and decide. You should understand the advantages and limitations of any school.


      Plot No. 31,
      Opp. Society No. 48,
      ( Opp. Just Video )
      2nd right after MTNL,
      Mhada, Four Bunglows,
      Andheri West- Mumbai - 53,
      Telephone 022 2634 0006
      Mobile +91 98924 56347
      +91 98210 18560

  2. sir please tell me the fees of srm acting school..i went to the site of srm acting school but the fee was not written could you please tell the fees of srm acting school and anupam kher's actor prepares 3 month course?and also could you tell me which is better srm acting school or anupam kher's actor prepares?

    1. Except NSD and some other schools in India who mention fee, most of the schools hide the information of a course fee. They tell you when you contact them. The reason could be that they charge depending upon the pocket of a student. In my opinion, this is not a professional approach.
      Please visit and find out the truth about SRM Institute
      Address:Head Office
      C1,D1,D2 Society Number D7
      Ganesh Temple Lane
      near varsova Telephone Exchange BLDG.
      Four Bunglow,Mhada,Anderi(W)

    2. Hi I'm planning on joining acting school but I'm stuck with these choices - anupam khers , namit kapoor & Barry john ? Which one do u think is the best today in 2015

    3. Visit personally and find out:
      1. The faculty and search about them on internet their background, ask the school how much time they devote on an individual student to learn 9 emotions and 25 attitudes. Remember, this is not a physics or history which can be taught to 25 or 30 student at a time. The acting is a very delicate art which must be taught and practiced individually
      2. Find out from a school whether after completion of course, will they give a chance in a film or serial?
      3. Will they give you a list of casting directors, artist coordinators?
      4. Will they make a 2 minute film on your monologue, written by them specially for you?
      If a school answer is 'yes' to all the above questions of yours, then only join
      Otherwise search for an acting coach

  3. Hello Mr. Kiran
    please tell me that which school i m joined i know nothing about them. i m leaving in rajkot gujarat so i want to join actorprepare so do you tell me is this a right decision. What do u say...

    1. You can join "Actor Prepares". It depends on how much can you spend. The fee may range to Rs.30,000 to 3 Lacs depending upon the school. You may visit them and find out yourself. Or, you can have a private acting coach.

  4. Sir which is the best acting school according to you with affordable fees upto 100000 rs?thank you..

    1. The schools mentioned in the post are good. However, a student may like a particular school based on how a faculty interacts with him/her. The problems with most of the schools is-they do not have sufficient time to tailor a program on individual basis nor can devote full time to a single student. In these cases I recommend an acting coach who can pay an attention to your individual needs for a long time and simultaneously, join a good school which will help you learn more and develop a great network

  5. Hello sir,
    Myself Nikhil Jhangiani born and brought up in Rajkot Gujarat but my native is Delhi. I am dam interested to become an Actor but the problem is that i don't know from where and how i have to start my career so i request you to give me some ideas and guidance. If you want i will send you my pictures also,
    please contact and reply me on my mail id - nivnikhil023@gamil.com
    Thank you sir
    love and regards
    Nikhil Jhangiani

  6. Nikhil,
    You have to come to Mumbai and rather than joining a school, which you can do later for networking and contacts, take a private acting coach for one or two months. This could be the best way for beginners.

    1. Hello Sir,
      I am very much pleased to see such a help from your side, to many like me. Thank you by heart.
      Well I would like to know that how and where can I get a good budgetary acting coach for oneself?

      Kind regards

    2. Sagar,
      The best is to contact teaching faculty in a good school and ask them if they can be your acting coach on the basis of "One on One" and how much they charge as their fees.
      As far as I know, there are not many such coaches. However, you can visit my coaching website for details like fees, courses, duration and venue here:

  7. Dear Kiran

    Your list has missed out one important school.

    The only institute which confers you with University degree (B.A.) in Acting. This is called CPIFT - City pulse Institute of Film & Television. Located in Gandhinagar, the state capital of Gujarat, CPIFT offers B.A. (in Acting, Film & TV Production) and M.A. level courses in all disciplines of film making. Go to their website for further details. As far as I know their admissions are open for 2014-15.

    1. Yes, you are right. I'm sorry, I missed it out.
      City Pulse Institute of Film and Television
      City Pulse, a cultural campus, was conceived fifteen years ago.
      While preparing students for films, television, theater and voice-over, the course teaches script interpretation, characterisation, diction, basic techniques, movement, observation, improvisation, role analysis, technique of make-up and basic ideas about costumes. Students are also guided in auditioning, compiling a portfolio and creating a comprehensive show reel.
      For eligibility to graduate degree and for Masters, fees and campus facilities etc, please visit their website:

  8. Hello sir, i am Sagar and i want to join a acting course in bangalore.. please help me out with the best institute... thanks..

    1. Here are some. However, check theire credentials before you join. Also, check on internet under "Acting schools in Bangalore"

      CREO Valley School of Film & Television
      97, Hosur Road, Koramangala,
      Opposite Forum Mall, Dairy Circle Side,
      Bangalore, Karnataka 560029
      E: info@creovalley.com
      P: +91 8147030591

      Bellichukki Film And Modelling Centre
      +(91)-80-66816178 No.302,3rd Floor, Next Rex Cenema And Nilgiris, 5th Avenue Mall, Brigade Road, Bangalore - 560001

      Sfefilm And Television Institute
      No.141, Above Universal Mobiles, 3rd Cross,5th Main, Chamarajpet, Bangalore - 560018

  9. i have sent you an email. If you need my help, please contact me

  10. hello sir my name is swapnil tiwari i am a college student but i have a deep desire to become an actor but currently i am in nagpur and iknow nothing hiw to start my carrier and learn acting please give suggestions thank you

    1. Where are you based? You can contact me for a free guidance and help if you are in Mumbai.

  11. Hi Bob,
    You are welcome to India. Yes, you can be a great actor in 4 months, provided you are prepared to work hard on it. I can help you on auditions for films, serials and on commercial ads. We can make a short film featuring you. The acting course will be tailored according to your traits and your profile. The costs will be very reasonable and affordable. Please contact me when you arrive in India.
    Mobile: 91-9920991661

  12. Sir, can you train me in acting privately and then make a show-reel of me? How much will it cost?

    1. I train on one on one basis only and not to a class of 10 or 30 students. Yes, I can coach you privately either at your place or at my place in Chembur-Ghatkopar, Mumbai. We can help you to make a show reel as well. All this is economical as compared to others in Mumbai. Get in touch with me.

  13. Ravinder, You will have to come to Mumbai or go to Delhi

  14. Sir,i am currently residing in jaipur.
    I am interested in acting and screen writing course.
    looking for courses in rajasthan/gujrat.

    Thank you

    and yes your blog is great sir.

    1. Acting scools in other towns in India

      In Jaipur

      Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University, Jaipur
      Fee for an acting course Rs. 15, 000

      In Gandhinagar Gujarat- this is a bachelor degree course and affiliated to university

  15. arjun arya arya.arjun9716@hotmail.com
    Respected Sir,
    I found your blog and it is really a very promising and helping place. If you don't mind, I want to put my personal situation in front of you, hoping that you can narrate me in a right way. I am completing my B.Tech in end of the month May. That's why I started to run behind my dreams. I have send my normal pictures (attached) at some e-mail ids promising they have got something for me. I have got selected in some projects too. But all of them is demanding for money. Big project big money. there are some casting agency saying to register first with them.

    1. should we proceed with money?

    another thing that came in front of me is a bunch of documents. all are saying about portfolio, artist card, acting or modelling certificate, etc. etc. I came to know that if you want to get all these documents,at least 50,000 should be in your pocket.

    2. is this the only way to enter in glamour world?

    I want a personal suggestion from your side, is it okay to leave for Mumbai without any connections??

    Seeking reply.
    Thank you.

  16. Hi Arjun,
    Thanks for your query.
    I can understand your confusion and apprehension regarding paying huge money. The cine world in Mumbai for aspiring actors is full of unscrupulous people who give all the false promises and extract as much money as possible from innocent young people like you.
    However, I don’t mean that everybody is bad. Still, there are still few good people among crooks, though difficult to find.
    Having said this, let me answer your questions:
    1. Follow your dreams, come what may
    2. Never, never pay money to get a role in a film. As an actor, you are supposed to be paid to work. Anybody who asks you money to give you a chance in a film is a CHEAT! You will never see that film, even they manage to fool you by faking a shooting and giving you some small role
    3. You only pay for (A) Training to become a professional actor (B) To make your portfolio (Professional photos) (C) For your show-reel and finally you pay to get registered with some GOOD and REVIEWED co-ordinators.
    4. However, the charges for 3. could be Rs.30, 000 to 3.5 Lacs for an acting school; for portfoilio from Rs. 10, 000 to Rs.25, 000; for show-reel from Rs. 10, 000 to Rs. 30, 000 and for registration with a co-ordinator it could be around Rs.5 000.
    These charges are by so called famous, though may not be good and trustworthy agencies.
    I understand, this is frightening for a young person like you with limited money!
    The question is-what's the alternative?
    There is a solution. It has to be, otherwise how can a young man or a woman with limited money, new to the ways of how to become an actor or new to Mumbai can become a successful actor?
    I would strongly suggest you that in the beginning, for a month, to hire a coach who would train you in acting and plan and guide your career
    The cost of all the above can be reduced to less than half or even more.
    If you need my help, contact me

    1. arjun arya

      1:33 PM (19 hours ago)

      to me
      Respected Sir

      I really thank you from bottom of my heart for giving me your time. I know it is very hard to find right people in this industry, hence I respect you, your actions and your thinking. Hence I think I should meet you face to face. I have planned to leave for Mumbai soon. If it is ok at your side, I will contact you.I have your contact details and I will make a call for you.

      your further suggestions or anything is most welcome.
      Thank you.

  17. Hi sir, I am Asadullah Azam. Sir i live in pune. Sir i had just given board exam. sir i am confused that which subject i should take in class 11th and 12th in order to become an ACTOR and after tht what should i do to enter in bollywood.
    Sir please guide me. I am waiting for your guidance sir. Sir please reply.

    1. 1/ Try on internet-"acting schools in Pune"
      Also visit my post which has 2 schools in Pune
      2/ Complete your graduation and then try for FTII, Pune Film and Television Institute of India
      3/ Or meet me

  18. Hi sir I hv completed my ssc and came to kuwait I want to work with zee plz can u guide me what should I do 2 start my carrier with zee.thank u

  19. manoj sankhlecha
    10:01 AM (5 hours ago)

    to me
    Hello Kiran Sir,

    I have come through your website 2 days before. I read many of your acting related articles and find it very interesting and knowledgeble for an aspiring actor.

    I am Manoj Sankhlecha, aged 28 yrs. Please find some of my attached pics.
    Before 3 months only I have thought of being an actor.

    Sir Is it advisable to pursue an acting career at the age of 28 yrs with no acting background?

    Thanks and Regards,
    Manoj Sankhlecha

    1. Manoj,
      Where are you based?
      Any age is good for an acting career. The film stories are based on different characters as its in real life we see around us. These stories have characters from kids to grandparents. So, don't worry, everyone has a scope to be a great actor. You can pursue your dream. All you require is
      -A keen desire to learn to be a professional
      -Hard work
      -Patience for a long time
      -A reasonable amount of money
      Kiran Pande

  20. Hello sir,

    How can i hire private coach for my acting classes, will you give me some idea and how much he/she will charge.

  21. it is good to see that you reply almost all possible queries.rare blogger do so.hats off,One of my nephew interest in film line like acting and dancing.he wants to join any acting school in mumbai. can you please suggest us what is the possibilities for livelihood in this field. I myself know nothing about this field. is it necessary that schools must have some govt. affiliation.he is simple 12th pass student.can you please guide us.

    1. Thanks for your query.
      There are no schools in Mumbai affiliated to any govt. organisation or university except one in Gandhinagar Gujarat awarding bachelor's degree. The best is to contact me personally when in Mumbai to discuss in details. Remember, you have to be careful with the boy while planning his career

  22. manoj sankhlecha
    Sir please suggest some books to be read for aspiring actors.

    1. Manoj,
      Please look at the left side bar of my blog. You will find the list of books which MUST be read and practiced by every aspiring actor. Buy books one by one, if you are short of money. Click on a book's name. You will be taken to Amazon site. Pay online through your credit or debit card. The book will be sent to you by post. The first book I recommend is "Acting for camera" by Tony Barr

  23. Hello Kiran ji,
    Hope you are well.I read your blogs about acting techniques and found very useful.I live in London and i have few years film industry experience doing commercials and some background /production work .I also had one to one acting coaching for over a year and now i want to fully concentrate on my acting career.I want to come to Mumbai and want to join Berry Johns Acting studio to further strengthen my ability in acting.I need advise about this also it would be nice if i can meet you and get more guidance and personal coaching.
    I will be looking forward to hear from you.I hope you have a blessed week ahead.
    Mehmood Ghaznavi

  24. You are welcome to India and meet me. I charge a small consultation amount of Rs.500/- for a 2 hrs discussion and orientation.
    After that if you want to engage me as your personal coach, it could be discussed

  25. Hi Sir, My name is Kunal, I wanted to be an actor right from the beginning of my career but due to some circumstances i cud not do that. however i want to leave bpo industry now and pursue my career for which i always had a dream. I am 33 , I am bit over age now. Can u suggest me // guide me, where to start from. I live in delhi. ( 9999201157)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Sir I will certainly get in touch with you very soon.

  26. manoj sankhlecha

    10:36 AM (28 minutes ago)

    to me

    Any book written by Bollywood artist?

    1. You haven't looked at my left side bar for "must have" books.
      You will find a book named "Acting Smart" by Tisca Chopra costing only Rs. 215. Click on that book and buy online. Tisca Chopra was an important star as mother in "Taare Jameen Par" in Amir Khan's Movie. The book is a short narration.
      However, to be a professional actor, you will have to buy few books from International and Hollywood authors. All top Bollywood stars have learnt and mastered their craft by reading books, mentioned in my left side bar. Please remember, Bollywood acting techniques are born by learning Hollywood and Russian / European / US theatre acting techniques

  27. i want to be a hollywood actor can u pls sugest me

    1. Read each post of this blog and practice. This will help you to become an actor. Later contact me

  28. hi mr.kiran pande sir gi,
    First of all thanks for you, for giving lot of information to all of my friends,
    i have interest to become a film actor, so because i want to join in best institute.can you help me to choice and select it. waiting for your reply

    1. The first 4 institutes mentioned above in this post are supposed to be reliable and good. You have to be graduate and there is an entrance exam for FTII Pune and NSD Delhi.

  29. Hi, Sir this is Kunal, U remember I had a long discussion with you few days ago. I am from Delhi. Sir, I have two more questions.
    Q1 Apart from NSD, Please suggest me the acting school in delhi.

    and second this is Like u suggested me not to leave the job rite now,, so as off now lets say i join the acting institute in delhi and side by side I continue my job in delhi. Also If i want to pay u the fees for 24 hrs then how would that work. I mean to say how would i get the coaching from you for those 24 hrs as I will be delhi. Will i have to come to Bombay after every 15 days. Or how would that work.

    My plan is to continue my job in delhi and i join an acting institiute in delhi and also I want the coaching from you as well.

    Please let me know ( 9999201157 // 9871095609)

  30. hello, sir my name is Neha, i just gave my 12th board exams i have a deep desire to become an actor. from my childhood days i am dreaming to become an actor. I am very much confused for my carrier. I don't know from where to start. please help regarding this. Waiting for a prompt reply..
    Thank you

    1. Neha,
      Where do you live? Right now concentrate on your studies and be a graduate. Meanwhile read and practice from the posts. If you live in Mumbai, simultaneously, you can learn acting by joining weekend schools or from a coach.

  31. Plz sir tell me about barry john acting school delhi. Whats the fee structure and is it worth going their?....Becoz sir I have my deep interest in acting but as I am a college drop out so this time I need to be more specific.....plz sir make my way clear.....

    1. You will get all the details about BJAS by visiting the following sites. The first is their official site. You will get the details of Delhi school also-

  32. Hello sir,
    I am Kartik Sharma from Rajasthan. I have completed my masters from England. Now I am looking forward to become an actor as it's my childhood dream. I have done ramp walk during college days. But I want to do acting course from mumbai. I have short listed few institute actor prepares, BJAA, roshan taneja etc. can you please guide me which one should I choose? Please guide me so that I can follow the right path.
    Thank you

  33. hello,
    sir i live in patna and i need best acting school in patna please help me sir i also want to be an good actor please guide me sir

    1. Though I have no direct experience with acting schools in Patna and therefore, I would like you to check by visiting personally the following school and the source of other schools, as mentioned below
      Later, you can contact me again and then I can guide you further

  34. Hi sir,
    I am from Pune Male 31 looking for entry in Bollywood.
    I am not too much good actor but I have done some improvisation class in England before this.
    I have read 7 to 8 book on acting.
    I am getting to much explorer to camera.
    I am working in company in Pune.
    Shall I continue acting class in Pune?
    or there is an another option.
    Shall I join the weekend class in Mumbai?
    What will be best?
    I want to build my confidence first. Then I have to try for portfolio & show reel.
    Which will be the best class for me in Pune or in Mumbai?
    Let me know your opinion.

    1. The best would to join weekend classes in Mumbai

    2. Which institute shall I prefer? Which would be best for me?

      Where will I feel more enjoyment?

      I am enjoying acting In UK but not in Pune acting school?

  35. hiii sir i am a boy from assam.my age is 18.. i want to become an actor but dont have any idea...plz help me sir my email is thakuria110@gmail.com
    plzzzz sir

    1. Please read my blog properly. Secondly, you may have to come to Mumbai, if you want to become an actor or you can learn in Mumbai and then go back to Assam and search for acting roles in Assam. I can help you even in Assam to get roles

  36. thnks for ur reply sir...but i dont want to do roles in assamese...i want to do job in bollywood or in daily soap in hindi...so for that i have to do acting course or modelling???

  37. Then you will have to shift to Mumbai and prepare your self for a long struggle.

  38. everyone say that taking acting class in big institutes only give chances...is it true sir??

    1. What do mean by "Big Institute"? Please investigate yourself by visiting and finding about the faculty and the time given by each faculty member to institute and each student. Or, follow "everyone" and learn yourself by spending thousands of Rupees.

  39. is it possible to enter bollywood by learning acting in institiutes which are not famous???

    1. An acting insitute will train you only. They don't give you ANY BREAK IN BOLLYWOOD

  40. Namaskar sir,
    sir maine aaj tak acting nahin ki hai par main ab is line ko choose karna chahta hu, main is line me bahut jada interested hu, kya mujhe isme jana chahiye, background strong nahin hone ke karan mujhe kon Sa school join karna chahiye.

    1. Prashant,
      Aap mujhse aa ke Mumbai main miliye

  41. I am Arijit Roy from kolkata age 26 and pursuing MBA so it is not possible for me to do a full time course I want to do a vocational or certificate or extension program or workshop of any reputed institute or organisation in my nearby,It will very kind of you if you guide me so.

    1. You may contact the following website for details in west bengal:

  42. sir i want to make a professional actor in bollywood for lead actor plz suggest sir which college is best for me?

    1. Please contact and visit the above mentioned schools. Check their credentials and decide. If in doubt, get trained by a private coach. He/ she will guide you properly and then join a school, if necessary.

  43. Hello sir,
    I am Kartik Sharma from Rajasthan. I have completed masters from England. Now I am looking forward to start my career in Bollywood as an actor, but I don't have any experience in it. I want to learn acting nd I am planning to come Mumbai also. Can you please tell which is the best acting school in Mumbai for diploma in acting. I have short listed these : actor prepares, Barry John acting studio, roshan taneja etc. Can you please guide me so that I can have secure future?
    Thank you

    1. If you can afford, try Barry John. However, you have to decide yourself which one suits you. Also remember, You MUST find out which is the current faculty and what is their reputation and how much time they give to students.

    2. How would I get to know that which faculty is good as I don't have any experience in this industry?

  44. hello sir....my name is arman!!!! i am from assam,sir its my good luck that i have got chance to talk with such a famous person like u...sir i am have just completed my h.s..sir can i start my acting carrier after my bachelor degree by learning acting through a coach rather than wasting huge amount of money in institute u mentioned above...plz reply sir

    1. First, complete your graduation. Meanwhile go on reading all the posts of this blog. Buy books mentioned on left side bar of this blog and read and practice. During your holidays, plan a 10 day visit to Mumbai and during this period, learn acting through a coach and go back to Assam and continue your studies. Participate in theater and try in Assamese regional films. After graduation plan to shift to Mumbai

  45. for passing ftii entrence exam for acting course which books shuld be referred ..and tell me the details of there interview method

    1. Major disappointment is in store for creative young minds looking to getting a coveted seat in the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII). As per the decision taken by the institute’s governing council on Thursday, admissions to all major post-graduate (PG) diploma courses will not take place this year. This was a ratification of the suggestions of the academic council.
      All three-year and two-year PG diploma courses won’t see new admissions for a year. These are direction, cinematography, sound recording and sound design, editing, acting, and art direction and production design.
      However, you may visit their website for details of the courses available in 2014
      Source of the above information:http://indianexpress.com/article/cities/pune/1-year-freeze-on-admissions-to-six-pg-diploma-courses-at-ftii/

  46. hlo sir....my name is muskaan....i have given my 10 class exams and waiting for results....sir i am very passionate about acting from my childhood.....sir i wanted to join acting classes after 12th in chandigarh.....can you suggest me where should i go???? plz reply...

    1. After completing your studies, you can try acting school established by Anupam Kher "Actor Prepares" at sector 11 at Central Craft Institute, Chandigarh

  47. Dear Sir,
    Through this Letter i would like to request you to make a pathway by your guidance . It would be very humble of you if you willing to help me persue my dream of being a real finest actor in bollywood industry.
    I am Dhruv Chowdhury from kolkata, presently am in standard xii but i had been into acting and in this cultural field since my school days, and i had participated in every concert as an actor in plays.
    I am keen in being amongst the professional guidance as am not brought up well since my chilhood and poverty is a major factor for which i cant afford everything...
    besides acting am also good at dance and music.
    looking forward to yor replies .
    thanking you,
    Dhruv Chowdhury.

    1. Dhruv,
      Though I appreciate your dream to become a star, it's difficult without getting trained, marketing your self, making portfolio, show reel and finally struggling for a long time. All this apart from hard work requires money. The best option is to come to mumbai for 15 days, get all that I have stated above by having a professional acting coach and then go back to Kolkata and make a beginning or if you have money, then stay in Mumbai. The personal coaching may cost you around Rs. 15,000 + cost of 15 days stay in Mumbai. This blog has also the name of schools in Kolkata for whic you have to read the relevant post.

    2. Thank you so much such for such wonderful reply and Sir ,am all into it and i have been working out a lot more to put up efficiency in acting.After reading the facts i have gone though some good institute via net ..which are like actor prepares and knk institute.
      Sir it would be very kind of you if you agree to give your contact number or suggest me for either of the institutes to join...
      Looking forward for ur rply....
      thanking you...,

  48. Hello sir,
    How would I get to know that whether factuly is good or not as I am new in this industry? Please help me out which is the best institute to go with ?
    Thank you

    1. Right now I am in Rajasthan. But I will be reaching Mumbai on 10th of June.

    2. You can meet me after 20th June 20014, as I will be out of station

  49. hello sir thnks for ur reply....
    sir can u suggest me of a coach in assam which can coach me for bollywood!!!! after that i can go for theaters and all in assam till my graduation...that will give me experiance

    1. I'm not aware of any acting coach in Assam. However, there are few acting institutes. You may visit them and decide-
      A. Regional Government Film and Television Institute (formerly Jyoti Chitraban) (Assamese: জ্যোতি চিত্ৰবন) is the only Film Studio & Film Institute in Northeast India located at Kahilipara, Guwahati. It is named after Jyoti Prasad Agarwala, the first Assamese Film Producer. It was established in the year of 1961 by the Government of Assam.
      The institute currently offers three years diploma in motion picture photography, audiography and sound engineering and film and video editing. It also has a one year certificate course in applied acting (film and TV). The institute takes in a total of 50 students for all the courses with specific seats reserved for Asom and the other NE states, including Sikkim, separately. Please check up whether they still have a course of Certificate in Applied Acting.
      Jyoti Chitraban Film & Television Institute,
      Kahilipara, Guwahati-781019
      Acting Academy Guwahati,Assam | Film Television & Drama Acting School
      GNB Road,Ambari
      Opp. Rabrindra Bahawan,Guwahati
      However, the best would be to come to Mumbai for 15 days during your holidays, get trained by an acting coach and return to Assam.Later, try there in theater, short films and regional films and continue your studies, as well.

  50. Hello sir,
    I am Mithlesh gupta from Rajasthan. I have completed Fashion designing. Now I am looking forward to start my career in Bollywood as an actor, but I don't have any experience in it. I want to learn acting nd I am planning to come Mumbai also. Can you please tell which is the best acting school in Mumbai for diploma in acting. Can you please guide me so that I can have secure future?

    1. The schools are mentioned in this post. You have to visit and meet them personally to decide which suits you the best. Secondly, check the faculty and fees. Unfortunately, nobody guarantees you a role. It would be your efforts and luck.

  51. Thanks for all your replies
    Sir,can u help me to get roles in Assam?

  52. I think FTII, Pune Film and Television Institute of India is the best acting school.
    Best Colleges In India

  53. helllo sir.....
    i have a question!!!.
    sir can a model give an audition for a role without doing acting classes???

    1. Why not? Just imagine that you are that "Character" for which you are giving audition, be natural and shoot!

  54. sir my name is Niraj.I have one simple question that how one can recognize that there is great actor hidden in him,any signs before even thinking about being an actor in your life.

    1. Pick up any drama book, select a character in the play, read his/her dialogues, memorize and speak the lines in front of your friends thinking that you are that character. Ask their opinion

  55. thnq sir....it means that a model can go for a audition ??

  56. hlo sir......i wanted to know about fees structure of actors prepare in Chandigarh???

    1. The fee changes from time to time. Please visit the institute and find out-
      Actor Prepares, Central Crafts Institutes, Sector 11, Chandigarh. Tel: 9536045541 / 1800-209-12311
      website; http://www.actorprepares.net/

  57. hi Sir i am Varsha i am a Software engineer in pune. i am interesrted in modeling and acting only and i want to make my carrier in bollywood industry. is it possible that i could get gurentee of getting any movies or serials after joining of any acting classes.

    1. No good school will give you guarantee for a break in films or serials. You may get one from some school but it will be totally a false promise with a sole purpose of getting money from you or to use you for a sexual purpose.
      Getting a chance totally depends on your professional acting abilities, hard work, a lot of patience, ability to accept rejections and your luck.
      Being a woman, if you are tall and beautiful, it may help to some extent.

  58. hi sir i am hemant i am a student of 1st year of open learning school in delhi . i want to become an actor in serials as a lead actor please tell me best acting institute in delhi .

    1. Check schools in Delhi in my other post "acting schools in other towns of India", under answers to queries in the left sidebar

  59. hlo sir..i am a student of class 11th......i am very passionate about acting.....i am very confused about my career should i complete my gradation or should start with my acting career.....and if not then what should i do.....plzz give some suggestions.....should i practice at home???
    eagerly waiting for your reply......

    thank you

  60. Hello Sir,
    Thanks for your great support. Its really helpful.

    And I have only one querry i.e. Can you please tell me how is 'Satish kaul Acting School' in ludhiana ??

    Thank you.

    1. Visit the school personally and find out about the faculty, their background and how much time they spend in teaching students. Also, find from other students who are attending classes there about their experiences. What are the opportunities after completing the course? Then decide.

  61. Thanks for your great support Sir :)

  62. hlo sir,,,i am studying in class 11th right now....i wanted you suggestions on what should i do after 12th......should i complete my studies first or should i start my career in acting after 12........i am really confused......eagerly waiting for your reply
    thank you

    1. Complete your studies, first. However, you can read posts from this blog one by one and practice teachings seriously.

  63. I want to be a director so, should i join any film making school or join as trainee with any reputed director? if it is possible to join any director as trainee or assistance so pl, guide me I am from Ahmedabad (Gujarat) and if I should join school so, how much i should pay for that. and which one is best for me.

    Thanks & Regards

    1. Vishal,
      You can join a direction institute like ZIMA at Lokhandwala, Andheri West, Mumbai and take up direction course. After completion, join any director or a production house as a Asstt. Director or 3rd AD. Learn the practical aspects of direction and then you are on a path to success

  64. hlw sir,
    i m virag joshi (23) basically 4m gandhinagar. (gujarat)
    sir i read all 157 comment which is in ur blog. and now i must say that my all query and confusion regarding to acting is short out.
    other thing is that u do a grt work carry on, sir
    i pursuing my m.pharm and now finally i choose acting as my career cz i m vry much crazy and passionate about it..:)
    i write short script and play live drama in my college also.
    after reading ur blog i reach at conclusion....1st i need some time like 3 month for improvising my self as primary level..after that i must come to u for learning acting in deeply..:)
    sir i want to become u my godfather in my career..i definately say that it will b not a bad decision for both of us. cz i read ur blog so i can say that u r a perfect teacher(guru) for me. and as student i must say about my quality that are as above.... dedicated, hard working, goal oriented,learning attitude,positive thinking.
    so i think this things may help me to become u as my god father..:)
    my plus point is my look which is nearly similar to arjun kapoor..:)
    i m hoping ur positive reasponse.....fingure cross...
    my mail id= virag.joshi0408@gmail.com

    thanks & regards
    virag joshi

    1. I have already replied to you through email

  65. Hello Sir! Could you please tell me any good acting Institutes in Bangalore? I do work in Bangalore, so it would not be easy for me to shift Mumbai region in near future. It would be great if you could provide some guidelines. Thank you.

    1. You may visit Mumbai for 15 days, get trained to be a professional actor, go back to Bangalore and try in Kannada films or in Hindi films. There are lots of Hindi films, commercials and short films made in Bangalore

  66. Sir I have completed my graduation this year and now I want to work in acting either in serial or film. Kindly suggest me what should I so??? Plz reply

    1. At present, read seriously all the posts from this blog and learn acting. Plan to come to Mumbai and when you come, meet me

  67. hello sir.i am from dehrdun.i am a 1st year student of bachelor degree.sir i want to get trained for acting and work in film add or serials.sir is it possible from dehrdun?

    1. I'm afraid it may not be possible from Dehradun. You may have to Mumbai. Meanwhile, read ALL the posts from this blog and learn acting

  68. sir after my bachelor degree can i go for learning acting ? or after bachelor degree there is no chance of learning acting?

    1. You can be a great actor any time in your life with a professional training and a proper guidence on how to enter into film world. Contact me in Mumbai to become an actor

  69. hello sir ajju here nice to have someone like u who guide ppl like us who lack knowledge about this world..
    sir even i want to be a actor but for that i need some guidance for pursuing any professional acting course but the fees they charge is very xpensive so can you let me knoe if any institution in mumbai n bangalore wer i can able to learn...............

    1. Regarding schools in Bangalore, check comments above. You will find the answer. For details, write to me in the contact form on left sidebar. In Mumbai, the best is to engage a private acting coach, take a crash acting course, go back to Bangalore and try first in Kannada film industry and then try for big in Mumbai

  70. Hello sir.I am a govt servant in chhattisgarh.Acting is what I always wanted to do but could not go with it.Now I want to pursue it but not in a position to leave job.what should I do?please guide me
    Thank you

    1. Come to Mumbai for 15 days, take a crash professional acting course, go back to your job in Chattisgarh, act in theater and plays. I can help you to plan your career

  71. I want to join RK Films and Media Academy in Delhi. Can you help me getting the admission there?

    1. Visit this site. You will get all the details:

  72. Hello sir my name is jagdeep singh and I'm 16 years old and I want to become a actor and I'm 10th and live in Canada right now and i wand to Lern acting.

    1. You will have to come to India and learn. Meanwhile, read all the posts from this blog and practice in front of your friends or in front of a full size mirror

    2. O.k. sir if i come to mumbai (india) and how can i meet you in mumbai can you give me your phone number and then i will meet you

    3. Read any post and look at the bottom of a post. You will find my address and phone no

  73. Hello sir,
    Can ypu tell me which institute is best amongs this three NSD,Delhi, FTII pune and Latit kala Academy pune university pune.......

    1. 1. NSD DELHI
      2. FTTI, Pune
      3. Lalit Kala Academy, Pune

  74. Hello Sir,
    I am Durgesh Jain studying MY final year in BBM course
    I really want to become an actor as it is my dream forever
    After MY final year I really want to get trained from d best coach or institue which can bring out d real actor in ME and make MY negatives into positives
    Please do help ME out in this S
    At present Iam living in a small town in Andhra pradesh state
    Thanking You Sir,

    1. Come to Mumbai and join my private personal coaching for 15 days

  75. sir according to u what is the right time for a student to come in mumbai for learing acting and going for auditions? is it the right time after completing bachelors as we dont have time before the bachelors? please reply sir...

    1. After an age of 18 and pref. after completing graduation

  76. Every school has + or - The best way to find out is to visit a school personally and find out the following before you pay any large sum-
    1. Details about faculty e.g.background, time they devote on individual students, their record as an actor or director.
    2. How many students have been successful in getting roles in films, serials or ads?
    3. Meet students attending the classes after the classes and seek their opinion


  77. is cintaa membership neccessary & how neccessary is a portfolio plz reply
    karthik rao


    1. 1. CINTAA membership is not required
      2. Portfolio is a MUST!

  78. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. First, complete your studies and then contact me for guidance.

    3. Complete your graduation and then contact me. I will be able to help you for sure

  79. sit....how a person being a model can get entry to a bollywood film.i always hear models signing film..how they get the chance sir.plz tell me sir

    1. You are NOT reading this post and comments seriously.

    2. What does that suppose to mean sir?

    3. The answer is in the various posts of this blog. Take pains to read all 100 posts.

  80. Hello sir my name is Surya u give good suggestions about acting institutes but I want to become director so can u tell about the direction and film making institutes in India with affordable fees.

  81. Hello sir my name is satish ,i want to be an actor for tv serials and in film line ,so plz suggest me the beast training intitute which is affordable also for me,and i can go through to my carrier goal

    1. Don't put a query before reading this post and all comments. All your answers are here either in this post or in other posts.
      And if you don't have reasonable money, forget about being an actor! All good schools have fees ranging from 25,000 to 3 Lacs. Instead, try to locate a good acting coach. That will cost you less.

    2. can u advise a personnel trainer in bangalore?

  82. For Balaji Pictures, visit and find out everything about the faculty. Meet present and past students and find out how the school has helped them to get roles in serials or films. Which are those films? You have to decide after a thorough research whether to join or not. Nobody can take a guarantee because in these schools, the situation changes depending on many factors

  83. top books for Acting..to learning plz tell me Sir G...... 07738407646 or post here.

    1. Read on the left sidebar. The top books are mentioned. Just click and buy online.

  84. Sir can u tell me a course and college for film director

    1. Try these;
      2. Digital Academy-The Film School
      H.O. Centre & Studio's
      Plot No C-3, Street No-11, MIDC,
      Andheri (East), Mumbai:400093, India.
      Tel : +91-022-28257008
      Mobile : +91-9324069648 | +91-9322980401
      +91-9320430013 | +91-9869305965
      Board line : +91 22 42305000

      3. ZIMA Institute of Media Arts MUMBAI

  85. hello sir my name is shreya from assam.i know well to speak hindi english.my question is that if i learn acting from assames acting school can i try for bollywood.plz reply me sir.

  86. Sir, please help me knowing which acting institute to join in new delhi? I went to national drama school in mandi house but i do not want to join theater or stage drama. i want to learn acting and perform in films and tv.

    1. Any feedback about rk films media academy in delhi??

    2. Sorry for a late reply.
      Well, the institute did not have the best reputation in the past, but for now I would suggest to visit them, find out about faculty, meet students, find out how many ex students got a break in films and in which ones before you decide to join

  87. Hi Sir..I was looking for Best Acting Schools in Pune for my brother and I found your post having Great list of top acting institutes in India. Thank for sharing..!!
    My brother is interested in acting and modelling. He has completed his MSC and currently working as a lecturer.But need some suggestion for his acting career that which acting course will be suitable for him i.e. basic/diploma/PG so that he can follow his lectureship with his acting career until his settlement in acting. Also let me know review about Deccan Education Society’s Institute Of Film & Television , Pune? Thanks. Waiting for your reply.

    1. No diploma or degree is required. In the past, even illiterates have become the top actor and Bollywood hero. What is required, to be a professional actor by training either by a coach or through school and then how you audition in front of camera is all that which matters.

  88. Kiran Sir, Myself Lavi Arora i am a working professional in Ludhiana (Punjab),, i want to be actor, but i have not tried yet,, as my parents cant afford to do so.,,, plz guide me , whether i can make my carrier by taking part time coaching with my job , plz guide to search for the nearest institute or private coach available nearby my location

    1. I can not recommend any part time acting institute in Ludhiana although there are few available. Secondly, you need sufficient money to be an actor.

  89. Dear sir,
    I read your blog. I want to become actor and I am looking for a private coach. Can you please give me all your details including fee structure, so that I can join your coaching.
    Thanks and Regards.
    Akash Shah.

    1. Thanks for querying.
      1. My coaching is not based on a school system where students are taught in a bunch of 20 or 30 with a common syllabus for all. A school is not concerned about whether a student passes in an exam or not.
      An actor is an artist who masters a highly sensitive craft based on an individual's emotional and attitude built up and therefore there cannot be a common syllabus. As per the survey, the failure percentage of actors passing out of schools in India is 82.
      2. I design a career plan and syllabus based on an individual after weighing the strengths and weaknesses by auditions and by interviews before a candidate joins me.
      3. The learning journey of a candidate starts with understanding the "Game" of acting and how can you become a star in Bollywood and TV serials. It continues with types of actors, mastering techniques, camera acting, etc.. Finally leading to how to market and promote yourself to get sure entry into Films, TV serials, commercial ads and print media.
      4. A hand picked list of casting directors and coordinators is provided
      5. Suitable candidates get a break in our own short film productions (http://creativefilms.yolasite.com)
      6. The sessions are taken 3 days a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2 PM to 5 PM for 5 weeks.
      7. The fee for the entire 5 week course is (Contact me 9920991661) to be paid at the time of booking, one month in advance. Please note this fee is applicable only for the batch starting from 11th November 20014. Afterwards, it is likely to increase.
      8. I coach to a batch of maximum 3 to 5 aspirants only
      Wishing you to be a great actor!

  90. The best is to investigate personally by visiting them. However, before you visit, visit this post and then go:

  91. Hello Sir,

    I am Mrinal based in Mumbai. I am a working professional, with s deep rooted desire of acting. Exactly as you advised, I am looking for an acting coach to start with. Could you please help me. Could I have a morning slot on weekends.

  92. I continue to receive lots of queries and comments on this particular post, but unfortunately I can't publish as we have reached the maximum limits of comments ie 265. Please fill the contact form on the right sidebar and send your questions to me. I will definitely reply and publish them on this post as an addition to the text

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I do not recommend any school for a creative art like acting. This is not a subject like physics or history, which can be taught to 30-40 students at a time. However, as requested, I am giving below, the list.
      Note take your own decision.

      ■ Tollywood Acting School
      Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Road, Tollygunge
      Kolkata - 700047

      ■ Pracya Kala Kendra
      No. 3-A, K.K. Pally
      Kolkata - 700051

      ■ Mallhar
      No. 4, Sambhunath Pandit Street, Bhowanipur
      L.R. Sarani
      Kolkata - 700020

      ■ Children's Little Theatre
      CLT Aban Mahal, Gariahat Road, Lansdowne
      Sarat Bose Road
      Kolkata - 700029

      ■ Mallhar
      No. 22/1, Garaihat Road
      Kolkata - 700019

  94. Hello Sir....
    Namaskar.. Sir I am Hariom Yadav. in Jhansi. 8418036620
    sir mujhe bachpan se hi acting ka bahut shauk hai. lekin maine kabhi acting nahi sheekh payi..mujhe actor banna hai. to me hamesha sochta hoo ki me kahan se acting sheekhu..ki mujhe bollyboo me entry mil jaye..please sir aap meri help kijiye....please sir

    1. 1. Learn to write and speak fluently in English
      2. Read ALL 180 posts of this blog very seriously. This may take at least 2 to 4 months.
      3. Then, get professionally trained
      4. Nothing can be achieved without hard work and being internet savvy. Do some hard work for research before you dream to be an actor

  95. Hi Kiran Sir,
    I am residing in Bangalore.I want to know that is there any hindi acting theatre or acting classes in bangalore which can help me to enter in bollywood.


    1. Try these:

      1. Bangalore School of Speech & Drama
      2. Jagriti Theatre
      3. TENT CINEMA

  96. Sir i m from punjab and i m of 17 and i want to enter in bollywood plz suggest me something . Sir base toh muje thodi bhut acting atti hai but i want to join acting classes which surely help me to enter in bollywood .. help me sir plz

  97. Hello sir,
    I am Pravin Waghmare
    Maine bahut praytn kiya ki mai actor banane ke liye kya karu...
    mai ek garib parivar se hoo meri bahoot echa hai Ki me actor banu to aap muze actor banane me help kigiye plz sir

    1. Read all 196 posts of this blog. This is free. 27 aspiring actors who read all the posts and practiced with friends or in front of a full size mirror are now in serials and films.

  98. Hello kiran ji ,may i know which best acting school should be chosen which can provide good acting skills along with Accommodation in a less fees.kind Request.

  99. Hello Mr. Kiran,

    I am from Bangalore and wanted to know whether any institute offers weekend acting classes from any reputed institutes in Bangalore.

    Thx & Regards.

  100. Respected Sir,
    I am 20 yrs old, i read your blog and thought you could help me. I always dreamt of becoming an actor, but as i grew up i lost my passion probably because of being afraid of the risk involved in this career. Right now i am doing grad course from delhi university, and as ill be giving mba exams this year and prepare for it, all of a sudden the acting passion has reemerged and i realised it was never gone. I want to go for acting but i need to study too and if i join a school now then what? i have never got professional photoshoots or any experience. as far as i know NSD selects only those students who has played in lead roles in international plays. maybe it is too late?

    1. Get professionally trained.
      You can get all the details of my coaching here:

  101. Sir i m gauri, my little girl is 3 yrs old now n in future i want to give her acting background to create her interest in acting.from now what type of environment i need to provide her, can u suggests me.personal coaching n all...

    1. Send me an email. I will answer all ypour questions

  102. Dear sir,
    I am 24 now,and I want to become an actor,I am from Bangalore and I need your guidance for setting up my acting career.Till now I haven't attended or completed any course related to acting.I have completed my diploma.please guide me sir,I can come to Mumbai and meet you also.please give me your contact details.thank you sir

    1. Get professionally trained. You can meet me but there is a consultation fee of Rs. 1000.
      You can get all the details of my coaching here:


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