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11 Requirements And 9 Sure Ways To Be A Bollywood Actor

Bollywood stars
The sure ways to be a Bollywood Star!

The Secret Of How To Be A Film Star

Do You Know?
The Requirements To Be A Bollywood Star Or TV Actor
And How To Meet Them?

A Must Follow Tips

Though not a cakewalk,  with working on yourself, self-marketing, hard work, and perseverance, you can definitely be a successful actor/actress in Bollywood, India.

What Should You Have?

11 Essential Requirements

  1. Good looks may help you (especially in TV serials) though I don't agree fully with it. You can work on your looks or rather on your overall personality by facial exercises, Ayurveda treatments, and yoga.
  2. Good body and its maintenance.
  3. Good voice. You can develop by various vocal exercises.
  4. Very pleasant nature. 
  5. Reasonably educated, good command on HINDI and an ability of a well spoken ENGLISH
  6. Excellent ability to memorize and that too, quickly. This is of paramount importance, especially in TV serials where you get your lines just before the shot!
  7. Good acting abilities. You can learn from this free blog or by joining our Private and Individual "One on One" Coaching
  8. Good networking capabilities- building up entertainment industry contacts by contacting them personally or through social media.
  9. A very high level of patience to withstand  a prolonged struggle (maybe for years) and willingness to face periods of financial instability. 
  10. The beginners must have a reasonable and regular source of income  to meet mandatory requirements like- training, portfolio, registration with artist coordinators/ casting directors, travel expenses for visiting production houses and casting directors, auditions, computer/ smartphone and finally LIVING EXPENSES in Mumbai
  11. A very high level of emotional stability to withstand repeated rejections, tensions from need to perform well, competition, money and living in Mumbai  

How Should You Develop the above Qualities in you?

Your 9 Steps To Stardom

  1. Learn professional acting either by carefully selecting a good school or if in doubt, for a beginner, the best option could be a personal and professional acting coach
  2. Join gym developing a good and HOT body. If you can't afford gyms, there are good exercises to practice at home without any money. Know about them here!
  3. Improve your mental health and be strong. Join yoga classes or practice at home to learn relaxation and mental balance
  4. Make a professional portfolio of about 7 to 10 pictures, to begin with, where you look exactly as you are. No dark glasses (Let casting directors see your eyes!).
  5. Complete your graduation because it's a long struggle with financial instability. Being a graduate and having an additional skill like IT, Marketing, Teaching, etc. may help you to support financially to fulfill your dream to be an actor. Knowing spoken English well  helps you to network with cine industry and creates a favorable impression, apart from being comfortable with English dialogs in a film / TV serial 
  6. Start building your contacts in the industry by networking through creating and updating of your profile/ page on a regular basis on social sites (FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin etc), emailing your profile, monologs, your website, and showreel.
  7. Register yourself with at least 3 to 4 good coordinators (Select from posts in this blog) 
  8. Do not restrict your efforts only to one field, e.g. Bollywood films. Enter in modeling, TV serials, commercial ads, and print. Just hit all opportunities available
  9. Remember that acting is a business and you have to be a good businessman or a woman. You can't live in emptiness without money or with your parents/ relatives/ friends charity forever!
Finally, have confidence and faith in yourself and go on struggling, at least for 3 years

If You Want To Be A Guaranteed Actor
Then Get Privately And Personally Trained By Top Acting Coach

This acting coach gives money back guarantee of satisfaction

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  1. Hello sir,
    M tarannum parveen from jamshedpur but recently m in mumbai.m fair and gud looking.i love acting i want to become tv serial actress but i dnt knw acting can u plz suggest me what should i do to become a gud actress.
    plz reply me..

    1. It's surprising that you have not read my blog properly, which has all your answers. Even you have not read home page 1st post where there are questions and answers by an acting coach, that's by
      You must take a professional training from a coach, and I'm sure you can be a good actor. If you want to be trained by me as a coach on one on one basis, contact me early

  2. helo sir m shana khan from mumbai andheri west oshiwara i hv jz complete ma acting class still sir i need ur help wil u plz help me out sir

    1. Contact your acting class from where you have completed your acting course and paid them money. Ask them to help you. They should help you.

  3. Hello sir,I have a question in mind.Sir the question is that i've seen that actors who act in tv serials are the one who do not do well in films,Well shahrukh khan is an exception but if a person actuslly wants to becone a movie star then should he act in tv serals or shuld waut for an opportunity in film?

    1. In Tv serials, actors get good money and they themselves are not interested in films. In films, the struggle is harder with long periods of financial instability

  4. Hlo sir i m shristy from chhattisgarh...Sir i m doing b.com but my aim is to become actress but there is no chance for me becz my parents are nott allowing me for this field n sir i really want to become actress i m so much intersted in modeling acting n dancing n i m good dancer also i knw dance very well plss sir tell me wht to do?? My parents r not allowing me but i really wantt n i m from middle class

  5. How can I help you if your parents are not allowing you? You have no other option except this, unless you are above 18 years old and no more minor.

  6. hai sir am intrested in acting can i get any chance to do in serials pls my contact no. 09917415339

    1. I'm a professional acting coach and not a casting director. Contact audition sites.

  7. Sir, I am Ragini Arora from Mumbai, tall and beautiful. I have no training and have strong Punjabi accent. Due to no training and accent problems, I get rejected for auditions or ask for money or ask me for dirty things to do. I want your advice and to train immediately and correction of my bad accent. I know I can trust you. Your fee is no problem as knowledge, training and success is more valuable than money.

  8. Join my personal and professional training, especially designed for you. And be a Bollywood actor!
    Here are the details:

    Salient Features of My Personal, Professional Coaching

    1. The coaching is NOT based on a typical school system where students are taught in a bunch of 20 or 30 with a common syllabus for all. A school may not be in certain situations, concerned about whether a student who completes a course gets a break in films or serial or in commercial ads.

    An actor is an artist who masters a highly sensitive craft based on an individual's emotional and attitude built up and therefore there cannot be a common syllabus. As per the survey, the failure percentage of actors passing out of schools in India is 82 (CAA survey).

    2. I design a career plan and syllabus based on an individual after weighing the strengths and weaknesses by auditions and by interviews before a candidate joins me.

    3. The learning journey of a candidate starts with understanding the "Game" of acting and how can you become a star in Bollywood and TV serials. It continues with types of actors, mastering techniques, camera acting, etc.. Finally leading to the most needed strategy development of how to market and promote yourself to get sure entry into Films, TV serials, commercial ads and print media.

    4. A hand picked list of casting directors and coordinators is provided

    5. Suitable candidates get a break in our own short film productions (http://creativefilms.yolasite.com)

    6. The sessions are taken 3 days a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2 PM to 5 PM for 5 weeks.

    7. The fee for the entire 5 week course is (Contact me +919920991661) to be paid at the time of booking, one month in advance.
    8. The coaching venue is in Ghatkopar East, Mumbai 400089

    9. I coach on a one on one basis or to a batch of maximum 3 to 5 aspirants only

    Wishing you to be a great actor!

  9. Hello Sir
    I want to work on hindi tv serials. Can u help me how to get the role in tv serials ?

    1. Sorry. I'm an acting coach not a casting director

  10. Hello Sir
    I want to work on hindi tv serials nd hindi movie etc..... Can u help me..my name is ankit.i m in surat...
    my contact number 9924983007

    1. Get trained in Mumbai from either a school or by an acting coach like me

  11. sir may i know the fee amount u charge

    1. Send me a SMS on +919920991661. I will tell you

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Read all 130 posts of this blog seriously and you would know for sure!

  13. sir i want to be a actors and i wanna come to your class sir i need your help

    1. Read a comment in this post above and my reply on my coaching. You will get your answer

  14. hello sir,
    i am poonam godase i am frome belgaum (karnataka) sir i want to be an actros I want to work on hindi tv serials nd hindi movie so sir i need your help and i wanna come to your class so sir can you tell me the fees plz sir

    1. Get yourself professionally trained. To pursue your dream to reality, you may have to move form Belgaum to Mumbai

    2. Helli sir my name is ghanwa but i am from pakistan my age is 15 year old i want to be an actor pl help me

    3. You will have to come to Nepal with your parents as coming to Indian may be difficult. You will have to all expenses for a coach like me for his travel, stay, food, training room etc which may be substantial (around $18,00)

  15. If we want to make career in this film industry..first we have to work in production for that..??

    1. Not necessary. Get professionally trained in acting either by a school or by a private acting coach like me

  16. Hello sir..,
    I m from ulhasnagar(kalyan) and i m sindhi..
    I want to become an actress in serials...
    But i dnt knw acting bcoz i never joined any acting school or classes... i have noticed that few people are in the industry who are from ulhasnagar..
    And there are very few people in this industry who are sindhi...
    If i join acting classes and i go ahead for auditions then Will dis affect in my carier as m a sindhi girl or i live in ulhasnagar..

    pls rply sir..
    Thank you!

    1. Whether you are Sindhi or belong to any other caste, short or tall, young or old is no obstacle in an acting career. Your Hindi should be good and you should be professionally trained. For girls like you, a private acting coach like me or other would be better. Living in Ulhasnagar should not have any problem.

  17. To became an actor for that first we have to work in production...??

    1. Not necessary. Get yourself trained by an acting coach. He will guide you to become an actor.

  18. Hello Sir. My name is Anjali Sharma and I am 15years old. I always want to be an actor and it was my dream from childhood but I don't have any connections to film industry. I have never acted in any plays or stuff but If I can be good in acting I can perform. But Sir nowadays Bollywood needs a good height to become an actress and the industry does not see the talent but first the good height is needed . I am just 5' (feet) so in future I want to act in films or Ads. If you can guide me then it will be good for me because I don't know even 'A' of acting. :(

    1. Did you have an approval from your parents to be an actor? This is essential as you are not yet 18.
      Let me know this and send me an email or contact @ n+919920991661

  19. Hello Sir
    My kid is 8 year old. I want to give her exposure to acting and looking out for some trainer for Kids. Could you please suggest and give some direction? I am from Mumbai.

    1. Please read about kid's training on the right sidebar of this blog. There is hardly any acting trainer for the kids in India, as it is difficult for a trainer to adjust training, depending upon the frequent changes in their moods which is not abnormal in a child. You have to understand a child's psychology, patience and have to adjust your training with a loving approach.
      I have undertaken a special course at NYFA NewYork as a kid's Trainer and conducting kids professional acting training in Mumbai. For details, please contact me @ +919920991661

  20. hello sir..wings to bollywood is an acting institute advertising about their film "montu ki paltan". To be a part of it they asked me to come for audition and then the very next day they said i am selected..prior to audition they said i will have to do portfolio of 12000 Rs and attend free acting course and then i will be part of the movie for which i will not be paid but what i get is opportunity...I am unsure if this is genuine. Kindly advise.

    1. If anybody selects and hire you as an actor, you have to be paid. If you had no training, why did they select you? As per this rule, they could be a fraud. Under no circumstances, you should pay any amount. The film will never see a daylight and you will lose all your money. If you want to throw your money, give in charity!!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You have NOT read all the posts of this blog. You cannot become an actor without research and hard work.
      I'm an acting coach and not a casting director!

  22. Hello Sir! Thank you for your kind advice. Sir, I am learning acting from a institute and trying for print shoots, movies but the problem is everyone wants big eyed girls,as I am nepali and I got a asian face but I love myself and I don't regret having small eyes as it is a God's gift. And upon that the casting directors want lil bit exposive pics :( . What do I do Sir? Please guide me. I will be grateful towards you.

    1. How can I reply to you in detail when you re writing as Anonymous? Still...
      Small eyes or oriental looks are absolutely no problem. As a matter of fact, it's a plus point because it makes you unique among thousand of other competitive girls. You MUST become a professional by taking good training and develop your craft. Being a girl, I strongly suggest to take a training from a top acting coach rather than a school where there are large numbers of students. Your coach can guide you individually to realize your dream to in films and TV serials. You write in detail about yourself, including where do you live, who supports you, apart from your height, age

  23. Respected sir,
    I am 16 year old girl.. I am a malayali.. But I knw hindhi wel.. But I have a medium colour and have big eyes. I practice acting everyday infront of mirror .. I am 5' 2" in height .. Wil I get a chance in hindhi serials ?

    1. Hi Priyanka. if your intrested to act in telugu serials. please call me +91 8147326282

  24. sir ,
    can a girl with height of 5 " ...go for hindi serials or acting ?

    1. Yes, you can. Get professionally trained in acting by a coach or a school. Read all the posts from this blog

  25. Sir , I am 20 years old.
    Height : 5'11"
    I live in Bangladesh.
    My aim and dream is I want to be a good actor in Bollywood.
    Sir , can I do this?

    1. Yes, you can be a Bollywood actor. You will have to come to Mumbai and stay here for a long time. Get professionally trained here.

  26. Namaste sir I'm veejay Anantha from Singapore! I love acting especial Bollywood. I really want to act and I went for a acting workshop in Singapore. But I have problem like I'm 17, I'm staying in Singapore, I cannot speak Hindi very well even though I can speak little.

  27. Hi Kiran,
    This is Haqeekat from bangalore

    I wann be an actor .i am doing an acting course from Rang Mach if you can suggest me what i should do next should i continue some other course in acting .i knew i does take time to get chance to be in the industry . as understanding compaction in this particulate industry . i am ok to give as much time it takes be an good actor.

    1. Whether you want to be in theater of films and TV serials? Can you shift to Mumbai?

    2. i have not decide wither films or tv serials,i love to be a realistic actor then commercial that . bz what so ever i experience so far in my life i wanna i always show case that with same emotions.

    3. Don't write as anonymous and in bad English. Give complete details before you expect a reply.

  28. hello sir, my daughter is only 3 years old .I want to become my daughter as a good artist. in tv show, picture and serials please tell me how can she get a chance i live in faridabad. (Haryana). Where she can take a training?

    1. Wait for 2 more years and then bring her to Mumbai for one month. Get her trained and either go back and try in Delhi or shift to Mumbai

  29. Hello kiran ji,
    Now what i have is a big query that i would love to put forth
    I am a trainned actor from balaji telefilms ,,,,institute od creative excellence
    I after compeleting my course of 3 lakh ,got a portfolio fr 25k
    Gave auditions like hell gt few work also but nothing up to the mark n noticeable,,,now it has been 3 years n struggle is on , and it seems dat it wont end up even if i drain all my money to it, now please tell me if der is any other way out to get a stability here..?

    1. Where do you live? If in Mumbai, I can help you.
      However, why don't you ask your institute who had taken 3 Lakhs from you plus for the portfolio?
      How can you join a school without knowing whether they help after the course is over? Why don't they give you a chance in their own productions in films and TV serials?
      Hope that you will realize the mistakes you have committed by going just for a "Name" of a school rather doing a survey as to how many of their students have been a break in their own productions.

  30. Hello sir my name is akshay I wqnt to work in film industry and I dont have any support any big man so what I will do for that

  31. Read each and every post from this blog. Practice in front of a full size mirror and with your friends. There are 20 aspiring actors who got a break in films and TV serials after practicing tips and notes on acting from this blog, FREE!

  32. Helllo sir! ... M vishal.. M 17 yr old... And itz my biggest dream to be an actor and now i want to turn this dream into reality....i joined livewire institute but later i get to know that its a fake institute and many more things...sir please help me and tell me how i turn my dream into reality and do me a favour and guide me...

    1. You will have to come to Mumbai to get professionally trained by a coach rather than a school as you are only 17 years old and you would require personal full time attention and training, rather than along with 20-30 students

    2. Kk...sir r u gonna to gv class? N watz d name of class n itz fees??

    3. If you want to be an actor, work and work hard! Read this blog's all posts, comments on this post and read every information on the home page where you are now! You will find all your answers

    4. Sir!! I real all d comments...just wana to ask u dat i had joined livewire institute n paid 5k to enroll my name!! So whether i go there or not? Plz guide me

    5. Hello sir...sir m nt gettng it plz guide me sir... Where in mumbai sir? N watz the name of your class? Sir plz contact me my no. 8655601163 pr else plz gv me your no. I vl contact u...plz sir

  33. Hello Sir,
    My Name is Sarfaraaz,I am 14 year's old,I am from Kerala . Sir when i was in 6th standerd i make a goal that is to become an Actor but i am very shy of new people. So Sir when i was just surffing from internet i saw this page so i thaught i would have to take help from you so Sir please help me to become an Actor.Sir this is my Biggest dream And Sir Please Don't Say no. Sir now only you can help me .Sir if Yes then Please Contact
    with me.

    To Contact me Email ID: Sarfmohd@gmail.com Mobile No:9496516079

  34. Hi, my name is Pavan, and i am 16 years old. I am from Norway, and my dad is from Punjab. My dream is to be an actor. I watch acting videos every day, and spend many hours to read about acting. I think I am fortunate with my looks. I play football every day, and train a lot. I didn't join a acting institute because Norway isn't famous for movies. I hope to became an actor via internet.
    Please contact me on pavansingh1999@yahoo.no

  35. Complete your work in Norway and when you are in India, contact me with due permission from your parents.

  36. My name is abhishek. I am 17-year-old. Iwant to be an tv actor .please assist me sir.

    1. If you are in Mumbai or can come to Mumbai, get trained by us for 5 weeks, after obtaining permission from your guardians. You can be a good actor.

  37. Hello, I'm a 17 years old girl, I'm not an indian but I can understand Hindi very well. I can act and I would love to become an actress in serials or movies. I have no idea where to start and how to make my dream comes true, please help me.

    1. Come to Mumbai and get trained by us. You will become a good actor and will know how to work in films and serials

  38. Hello sir I am sakshi from Bhopal and I am 18 years old. As a child I have always dreamed of becoming an actress and as in when I grew up my dream also grew along to become an actress bt the only hurdle is that I am an handicapped. My left hand is not developed. Thus that mean I can never enter this glamour world? Pls guide me sir Cuz I really m very passionate and want to set an example for evry handicapped Lyk me..pls guide me sir

    1. I can help you. Firstly, get rid of this thought that you are handicapped. It's not a criteria for rejection for films and serials. A story has all types of characters and no story prohibits an actor with a handicapped hand. Develop your acting craft to such an extent that viewers salute you on your performance!
      If you have sufficient funds, either you can come to Mumbai and get trained by me or can call me to Bhopal and I can train you at your home.
      Good Luck!

  39. heelo sir ,, can u pls help me giving the contact no of casting directors or coordinators i m from delhi n want to work t.v serials

    1. If you want to be an actor, do some hard work. The answer to your question is in one of the post in this blog. Search through "Search Box"

  40. Hlo sir my name is Amit Pandey and I m from Uttar Pradesh and I want to become an actor, I have do acting in my school I m 1years old boy bt my parents are not allowing me to become an actor soo sir what I will do now...pls reply me sir

    1. Nothing can be done without your parents' permission. Try to convince your parents.

  41. Hello Sir I am Lokesh and I am 24 years old. I always want to be an actor and it was my dream from childhood but I don't have any connections to film industry and also first learn acting . I am just 5'4 (feet) so in future I want to act in films or Ads. If you can guide me then it will be good for me because I don't know even 'A' of acting. my contact ( lokeshg.paradise@gmail.com , 9389203406

    1. Undertake a professional Training. All the details are in this blog.

  42. Hi sir My name is Himesh. I was born and raised in Surat, Gujarat, and I can speak fluently in Hindi, Gujarati and English and even know quite a bit French. I am academically smart and currently studying a Bachelor's course in New Zealand in Science. I'm currently 20 and want to pursue an acting career (preferably in TV serials) after completing my degree within the next two years. Please help and advice me on what to do. Thanks in advance,

  43. hey sir
    i am manthan .i want to be an actor .can u help me

    1. Read each and every post in this blog. You will get proper guidance.

  44. hello sir
    I am Mustafa from Kolkata.
    My age is 17, my dream is to become an actor,but i have not taken any guidence or any coaching. if you could help me on this field i will be very helpful to u sir. i want to bring my inborn qualities through guidence of you.I need ur help sir to achieve my goal.

    1. You are 17 and a permission from your parents is essential. This blog and it's 120+ posts are the best way to learn. Read them all.

  45. Hello sir... i am an 18 year old girl. I am not indian but i really like bollywood industry and i would like to take on a career in bollywood.Sir please reply me, i want to know if i have a chance and what shall i do in order to become an actress?

    1. Everybody has a chance. Read this blog and all its post very seriously. You will know all and what is required to be a Bollywood actor.

  46. Sir read your blog and its motivating. I want be an actress, i am 22, how can i get a proper contacts. I am unknown to these, so please guide me in a correct way

    1. Where do you live? Send your details of age, height, weight etc on my Email. Or send details on the "contact form" or on "Send us a message" at the right side bottom of this page.
      I will give you all the guidance.

  47. Sir i am Neha...i want to act in television industry...i have little acting skills and i hope i can di acting..sir plzz help me 2 get a job in television industry

    1. You can't get a job without proper and a professional training. Join our training coaching. Read this site properly-

  48. sir I am rajkumar. I am from hyderabad. my dream to become an serial actor .I don't know acting very well. my age is 16. I am little fat if u train and guid me I will try my best if I want to struggle I will
    please replay

    1. You can't be a serial actor without proper and a professional training. Join our professional coaching. Read this site properly-

  49. Sir I'm Atul Kumar Jha and I'm 19 years old. My dream to become an actor but my face is not enough good. I'm slim and do hard work if u give me suggestions to start career in acting or not. Now i am live in patna but after two months i go to kolkata. So sir please comment on this post and help me please.

    1. Type on google search engine " acting schools in Kolkata". Then go and meet them personally and decide. Just don't dream. Do research.

    2. Hello sir ............I am Daksh i am become actor pleas give me a solution......for my actor carrier............thANK U SIR...

    3. Read this blog, all he posts and sidebars as if this is your Ramayana or Bhagvat Gita.. You will have your all answers

  50. Hi sir i am vipul my age is 16 and my height is 5.6 my dreem is become a actor please help my acting is good sir can i become a actor or not please give me reply

    1. Click the pop-up appearing on this page and Read carefully everything on the site which opens.
      Or, visit directly:

  51. sir, my height is 5'4.5" & age 20.
    B.tech pass out student 2015.
    i m too intrested in acting. Acting is my passion. i can do acting & dancing very well...
    should i go for acting classes...bcz my height is low & i think now days bollywood industry need long height actors...

    so it can be possible i will be a good actors...
    or my height create problem to fullfil my dream..

    so please sir suggest me , should i leave thinking about..to be actor..or continue my passion & join acting classes

    1. 1. Height is no problem, as there are all types of characters in a film story
      2. Best is get trained by a professional acting coach or a school. The fee of a good school could be from Rs. 2 Lakhs to 9 Lakhs, whereas, a coah may cost you around Rs 20,000 to Rs 1 Lakh depending upon duration.
      3. Read this blog's all the posts and a popup appearing. You will an answer to your all questions


    1. Everybody has a chance. Get professionally trained which will tell you how to be a good and successful actor. Visit this acting coaching site:

  53. Read all 150 posts of this blog. More than me, the various posts in this blog can help you more.

  54. Hello Kiran Pandw Sir.. This is Roshan Morje from goa age 26 .. i have completed my diploma in computer science but now at this age i feel i should be an actor .. i had a craze to be an actor but the situation took me in diffent feild...but i deeply feel i m here to be an actor only.. though im not professionally trained in acting but i know i can do really well im acting if properly guided.. i can work really hard to excell in acting... i want to act lyk nasiirdun shah ..anupam kher. nana patekar as these all gems in acting.. i can work in any platforms lyk theatres tv serials movies but i want to an actor... i nid ur proper guaidance n blessings .. i have sent you a sms to enquire about the coaching fees... i belong to lower middle class family and i nid to make money for your fees and yo stay in mumbai... so Sir please give proper guidance as i can see you as my teacher whom i can follow..and if possible i can work at ur home as a servent if you allow.

    1. I appreciate your dream to be a Bollywood star. However, it's not that easy. With money constraints, the best is to read all 150+ posts of this blog seriously and practice in front of a mirror or with your friends. There are 27 girls and boys who have practiced religiously from this blog and now are in films and serials. Do that. This is the best alternative for you.
      And you don't have to think about anybody's servant. Be positive and self respectful.

  55. Hi sir, I am Abhay. I want to be actor. I am good in acting but I want to improve my acting skill so how can I contact you for improving my acting skill.

    1. Read carefully:
      Click the pop-up appearing on this page after the few seconds

  56. Hello Sir
    I am Subham Raj Regmi
    Age 20
    My painful request I want to be a actor please sir give me a one chance i hope you will give one change for I me sir I request you to give me information about how to apply in Bollywood Thank you i am from Nepal and my contract number is +9779814361315

    1. I'm not a casting director. Contact casting directors. The list is in this blog. Find out through the search box. Do some work.

  57. If i take training in your academy...
    Can you help me to get acting in film industry

    1. This is not a regular job where you can get a job on somebody's recommendations. What you do in the front of a camera and how far you match with the character of the story of a film or serial, will get you or will get rejected. That's ALL!.
      Not even God's recommendation will help you.
      Read this blog properly, before asking such questions

  58. Hlo sir,
    myself reenu kumari. . my age 20 years old and my height is 5 foot 8 inch ..am gud lukng.....lives in delhi...i want to be an tv actress but hv no guidance n no experience but I know I can do it surely...plz tell me about best acting academy in delhi...n give me suggesstion how to start my career in acting. ..thnku sir..

    1. I don't recommend any school in Delhi. Lots of people have reported getting cheated. If you want to be an actress, you will have to settle in Mumbai and get trained

  59. i am 26 years old my strong desire is to become actor but i had completed MBA Marketing so i am confusing. plz suggest me which field i will select for my career.

    1. Read all 150 posts of this blog. You will have all your answers

  60. what is the perfect age to start acting class or acadmy ......i m 12 sci. student so can i start after 12th or after my graduation in college.....i am confused plz give me advise....

  61. Hlo sir, hope u r at best of your health. I am Drishti. I m 14 yes old from Chandigarh and I love love love acting. It makes me feel vry happy. I like to speak dialogues in front mirror from when I was 10. I speak ashiqui 2 dialogues very very well.even food at dance. I m just fearing that what will I do if I don't get well in Bollywood. So have decided i'll do fashion designing and reside in Mumbai .after completing my degree I'll do part time fash. Designing and meanwhile hard work for acting .I jus can't live without acting. I wanna do something own my own and prove world if deepika and kangana ranaut type women would not have they could not succeed .I 'll never leave my hope .jus need your wishes and advice..I read that u said someone that we will have to read these posts like religious books and I do so thank u for this site .u r most inspiring person I ever met...
    By d way my name is divisha Sharma...

    1. Complete your graduation and attain an age of 18 then shift to Mumbai after doing a lot of research on your career. Any step you take now, will be a blunder and you will destroy your life through fraudsters and cheats in Mumbai who are looking for young fools like you

  62. Hello sir,
    I'm Narendra Arjun from New Delhi, Age 26, hight 6 fit, 74 Kg, with good looking, i'm working in pvt company in marketing team with in 4 years.

    Sir, mai actor banna chahta hun, magar mere pass koi acting experience nhi hai, sir mai singing bhi bahut achi krta hun uske liye mai class bhi le raha hun. sir mere pass kuchh lyrics bhi hai jo maine likhe hai, (15 songs aprox)
    sir, mai bollywood me nayi suruat karna chahta hun, magar kuch samajh nhi aa raha kaise..??
    Plzz mera marg darshan karein...
    Narendra Arjun, 8860634029,

    1. 1. Don't have too many goals in your life otherwise you can't focus. Decide whether you want to be an actor or singer or a lyricist
      2. You will have to shift to Mumbai permanently. All this will require a lot of money for a long time as the success is not achieved in few months but few years, if you are lucky

  63. Hello sir. Hi I have completed my MBBS and had been preparing for my pg entrance. And in the process I realised that this was not something that I ever wanted to be or do. I went with the flow of high ranks good marks and became a doctor and I am not happy. I am 24 and m clueless. I always loved dancing and theatres since I was a kid. That is what I though I would be but I don't know how I failed to see that that is what I am happy being. Acting dancing. I don't care if it is serials or movie. But I want to do it. I want to act. But I am lost about how to start about it. Can you please help me. Also if I need to join acting classes. I am a trained dance but acting I think I need help. Kindly reply. I have read few of your blogs and though if asking you. Thank you

    1. Get professionally trained, first to be an excellent actor. This blog will give you all information. You need to read all 180 posts, if you want to be an actor.
      Go for a blue pop-up appearing on this blog on private coaching

  64. Hello sir,
    I am neha dwivedi.I'm doing journalism.I want to become an actress but my height is quite short I.e.5.1 feet. Is it possible to become an actress with this height.

    1. Why not? A film or a serial story has all types of characters-tall. short, old, young etc.

  65. Sir I want to become a good actor.... But I want to know that which coaching is best actors prepare or livewire..

    1. You are not reading seriously relevant posts from this blog to decide. please do some work if you wnt to be an actor

  66. Hi, I live in the UK but I have a great passion for acting. I just wanted to know some more information about your classes and if you do any online classes which I am ready to pay for, just wanted to know if that option is available. Will look forward to your reply.

    Thank you

    1. A special online course can be designed for you. For details, please write at my email:

    2. Sorry, no online classes,at present. Come to Mumbai for 3 weeks and get trained

  67. Hi sir i am Megha my height is 5.1 and i am looking for TV serial actress profile and i am a complete fresher in this field,please help me with the auditions and all i mean how can i apply for acting,where i can register and can get update about the auditions

    1. You can't go for auditions as a fresher and without any professional training, unless The God has given you an extraordinary inborn talent.
      Go to get yourself trained first.

  68. Hi sir,
    Am Sanju Grover my age is 22 yrs and I am working in mnc. But I strictly irritated from this lyf because my passion is acting . I regularly do drama , acting in front of mirror and in friends.i started gym growing my physical appearance .! I really want to be a good and successful actor., please guide me for next step.

    1. Sanju,
      Nobody can help you if you don't want to work hard. Every answer is here in this blog which has more than 190 posts. Those who have read all the posts and have practiced either in front of a mirror or with their friends, most of them (29) are actors in films and TV serials, today.
      it is unfortunate that young people like you want to be an actor without working on internet and like reading all the information in this FREE blog. It's sad.

  69. Hello sir,
    I am 24 age. My height is 6.3 tall and I am live in kalyan. I don't have any acting knowledge. But I thinking to start acting career in TV serials
    So please sir can u tell me I perfect for acting carrer

    1. 1. Read all 190+ posts from this blog.
      2. Click blue pop-up appearing on this page, go to my coaching website and read details on fees, duration, courses, duration and venue etc

  70. hi sir my name is joshna from karnataka, i'm interested in acting. age:24, height:5, weight 45,and i don't hv any experience. i badly want to become an actress, and i love dancing, and i know hindi, marathi, english and kannada langauage. plz plz plz help me, how i got chance.

    1. No chance unless you get professionally trained, shift to Mumbai, wait for few years and have lots of money for living and other expenses.

  71. Sir i am samit i want to be an actor so i am interesting to join in hindi tv serial please advise me how i can fullfill this.

    1. No chance unless you get professionally trained, wait for few years and have lots of money for expenses.

  72. hii sir i am lakshit maheshwari from jodhpur (rajasthan) i want to become an actor i am 18 years old height 6ft
    what can i do sir
    to become a good actor in flimcity....

    1. Read all 190+ posts of this blog if you want to be an actor. You will have all your answers

  73. Sir my name is chandresh mendiratta and i want to be a Actor. Age=20,height=6feet and i am from delhi tell me what to do and i have done some events as well. Please revert back my email is chandreshmendiratta@gmail.com

  74. I m still waiting for ur worthwhile advice Sir !

  75. Sir im 18 years old,i want to became a tv serial actor,plz help me what i do?

    1. Read all 200+ posts in this blog and practice. Also read the following post:

  76. Hlo
    sir,Its my dream and my parents also..
    I have get many combitions in schools,in group activities,in another school also..
    I got many prijes in combition
    Sir,know you are the true way to complete my dream..Its request to you to comple my that dream

  77. Hi Sir, I love your website, however I would like to be rather a model and singer. Do you have any advice for european girl ( I look little bit similiar to Indian women) to make it in Bollywood? How to start? Thank you very much

    1. You will have to shift to Mumbai, permanently

  78. hlo sir i am interested at bollywood actor plz chance me

  79. Hello sir my name is praveen i am 29 year old u want to become a successful actor m i too late for it or i can give it a try i have passion for acting but never expressed my desire want now i am not able to resist that passion in me so please guide me

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Sir my age is 33+ n hight is 5.5 gd look .. I have the ability to take lead role..but my question is can I become an actor at this age ..when I see gd hight people I m losing my confidence plz help me sir

  82. Namaste sir,
    My name is Looven,im 17 years old now and i live in malaysia.Im a chindian but still learning to speak tamil and hindi because i want to be an actor,but i know to speak English, Chinese, hokkean,malay fluently.Im 1.78m tall.after this year graduate i will move to mumbai,and want to be train to be a professional actor.I want to be the leading role actor,pls give me advise what to do next. Pls sir help me,i die to be an actor!hope u reply sir

    1. Yes, you can be a good actor with determination and perseverance. Come to Mumbai for a reasonable period. Read this blog of mine fully and care fully. You would need a personal coach than a school in the beginning.
      Please read my acting coaching wbsie go and read site:

  83. Hello sir
    My name is deepesh. My age is 18 years. I am belongs to rajasthan. I am beginniner for acting career.
    I want join acting classes in Mumbai in this vacation plz suggest me classes for 3 months

  84. sir..i m shashank shekhar..n i read your almost blog u r really a good advicer.sir u r to good..sir i want to become a tv serial actor n modeling also..bt i belong from bihar n my parents nvr think to like this..sir i want come in glamour world..n shown to all that a bihari can do any thing..i really work hard...4 all..n main thing is i have no experiance bt day to day i seen most of tv series..learn from...i have no finance problem..bt main thing is my parents support..now i have to gone 4 graduate..sir plz tell me what i do..plz sir..aap hi kuch btaye....thank u...

    1. Please read and understand and practice from 206 posts from this blog. You can never be an actor if you don't research internet, read and understand. Nobody will spoon feed you. Do some hard work!

  85. Hello sir I am kartik, my age is 22 years, my height is 6'1", I have completed my engineering then joined the company but left the job as I was not enjoying it. I love acting and dancing. Sir please guide me what next step I should take to build my career in acting.

    1. please read and understand and practice from 206 posts from this blog. You can never be an actor if you don't research internet, read and understand. Nobody will spoon feed you. Do some hard work!

  86. Sir, I love acting and really want to be an actress..please tell me what to do....

  87. Hi sir,my name is virat can u please tell me that what u charge for chouching.

    1. Join us today to be a Bollywood Star Tomorrow
      For details, visit:

      Salient Features of Our Personal and Professional Coaching

      1. The coaching is NOT based on a typical school system where students are taught in a bunch of 20 or 30 with a common syllabus for all. A school may not be in certain situations, concerned about whether a student who completes a course gets a break in films or serial or in commercial ads.

      An actor is an artist who masters a highly sensitive craft based on an individual's emotional and attitude built up and therefore there cannot be a common syllabus. As per the survey, the failure percentage of actors passing out of schools in India is 82 (CAA survey).

      2. We design a career plan and syllabus based on an individual after weighing the strengths and weaknesses by auditions and by interviews before a candidate joins me.

      3. The learning journey of a candidate starts with understanding the "Game" of acting and how can you become a star in Bollywood and TV serials. It continues with types of actors, mastering techniques, camera acting, how to win auditions etc.. Finally leading to the most needed strategy development of how to market and promote yourself to get sure entry into Films, TV serials, commercial ads and print media.

      4. A hand picked list of casting directors and coordinators is provided

      5. Suitable candidates get a break in our own short films. 

      6. The sessions are taken 3 days a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2 PM to 5 PM for 5 weeks.

      7. Fees

      A. The fee for the entire 4 to 5 week course is Only Rs. 18,000 per person in a group of maximum 3
      B. Or Rs. 40,000 for an individual, one on one coaching, to be paid at the time of registration, one month in advance. 

      8. Location

      The coaching venue is at: C12, New Natraj, Pestom Sagar, Road #6, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai 400089, INDIA

      Though the course will be tailored as per an individual profile of a candidate, the general sequence id as follows:

      28 Steps of designing a program
      1. What is an actor?
      2. What is your acting instrument?
      3. How to improve your acting instrument
      4. Body & mind
      5. Improving all your 6 senses
      6. How to really Listen and react normally
      7. Why develop top and quick  relaxation techniques
      8. How to fight tension on auditions and in a shoot
      9. How to build confidence
      10. How to improve your voice and diction
      11. How to build a killer hot body
      12. The key factor in success- "Observation"
      13. How to create a story after "observation" and importance of building up your sense-memory
      14. How to play different emotions and 20 attitudes you see around you
      15. How to win auditions
      16. Why and how to do script analysis
      17. How to do a character analysis of the role
      18. How to prepare a monologue and give a top performance
      19. What is and how to enact 'improvisation"
      20. Which are different acting techniques and which suits you the best
      21. What is camera acting and how best to play for the camera
      22. How to work and get roles for the commercial ads
      23. Why acting is a business and how to be a successful business actor
      24. How to market and promote yourself, website making, monologue and show reel filming
      25. Public relation secrets for actors
      26. Casting directors and coordinators in India
      27. Production houses and TV channels in India
      28. + a lot more....till you are satisfied or we are sure

      So, are you ready to be a great actor?
      Contact for registration Now!
      Mobile: +919920991661; Email: actingcoach.kiran.pande@gmail.com

  88. Hlo sir,
    I am 19 years old. My height is 5.5". and I live in patna. I don't have any acting knowledge. But I wanna to become a actor,so plz suggest me wat can i do.nd i was completed my 12th in 2014.

    1. My suggestion is to complete your graduation first.

  89. Hi kiran,i am a banker and working in a mnc..but I am very keen to come into media..be it small or big..I just want to live my passion ..I m in Bangalore.. Can u recommend me any institute here which can help me to get into ad, seriels ..movie s a dream as of now so won't mention it now..

    1. Don't just dream to be an actor but do some research on internet and hard work. This information is in one of my posts also, but you want to use search box on the right side bar. Sad!
      however, please type "acting schools in Bangalore" on google search and you will get answer in less than a minute. Then, visit thsese schools personally and check credentials.
      Finally, if can't put some hard work on Internet, forget about working in cine industry

  90. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, no reply to anonymous comments. What's the problem in writing your name and some more details?

  91. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, no reply to anonymous comments. What's the problem in writing your name and some more details?

  92. Sir iam 17 and i really wanna become a gr8 actress i can speak 7 languages and my passion is acting but i want a chance to show my potential how will i get tht ?

  93. Dear sir its me Puran Bishwakarma from West Bengal and i have a dream to become an actor but no experience at all and I have completed class 12th from open university and BBA still continuing. I have an experience in Hospitality service for 6 years. so can you please guide me in my way sir.

    1. Complete your studies first and become a graduate. Then think anything else.

  94. Sir i am from jabalpur. Height 5"10',age-26 running, im interested in acting since childhood, but due to financial problem, i couldn't become truth my this life and i have never do any acting and drama in my life, but i am full confidant to skill or acting , so now in this age is there any chance to join any good as well as cheapest acting school to improve my skill, and become a best actor.............???

    1. Age is no problem. A film story has characters of all ages. However, acting schools are not cheap. A good acting school fees may be from 2 Lakhs to 9 Lakhs (Berry John and whistling woods).

  95. I want to be a actor and i have done many shows in my cities and i have the certificate of artist combine gwalior and i love to act in serials or in movie pls sir reply or tell me thanks

  96. Hey sir
    My name is akansha and my age is 22,my height is 5'2 and i am fair.I have completed my post graduation in mass.communication from amity university.
    Sir i love acting and i want to make my career in acting.I will be very thankful if you will help me in this.

    1. Salient Features of My Personal and Professional Coaching

      1. The coaching is NOT based on a typical school system where students are taught in a bunch of 20 or 30 with a common syllabus for all. A school may not be in certain situations, concerned about whether a student who completes a course gets a break in films or serial or in commercial ads.

      An actor is an artist who masters a highly sensitive craft based on an individual's emotional and attitude built up and therefore there cannot be a common syllabus. As per the survey, the failure percentage of actors passing out of schools in India is 82 (CAA survey).

      2. I design a career plan and syllabus based on an individual after weighing the strengths and weaknesses by auditions and by interviews before a candidate joins me.

      3. The learning journey of a candidate starts with understanding the "Game" of acting and how can you become a star in Bollywood and TV serials. It continues with types of actors, mastering techniques, camera acting, how to win auditions etc.. Finally leading to the most needed strategy development of how to market and promote yourself to get sure entry into Films, TV serials, commercial ads and print media.

      4. A hand picked list of casting directors and coordinators is provided

      5. Suitable candidates get a break in our own short films.

      6. The sessions are taken 3 days a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2 PM to 5 PM for 5 weeks.

      7. The fee for the entire 4 to 5 week course is Rs. 18,000 per person to be paid at the time of registration, one month in advance.

      8. The coaching venue is in Ghatkopar East, Mumbai 400089, INDIA

      9. I coach on a one on one basis or to a batch of maximum 3 to 4 aspirants only

      Wishing you to be a great actor!

      Visit: http://topactingcoach.weebly.com
      Contact with email: kiran.aged@gmail.com

  97. Sir I m 6'tall,well physique,20 year old , I m third year engg student, I want to do my future in acting career, is there any chance to get selected in first time audition.I mean to say without any coaching,any classes.. Plz explain me and give some advice how they took auditions(I have watch some on YouTube) and what type of documents we bring with us during audition pliz give me some advice

    1. Unlikely that you will be selected without a professional training. Why? Because there are 4 Lakhs trained aspiring actors in Mumbai seeking roles and appearing for auditions for very few roles

  98. Hello sir this is Akshit here hope everything's well. Sir i am here to seek your advice as i want to become an actor.I am currently 16 years old and have a good body posture and complexion. My height is 5.8 feet.

    Sir i have experiences on school stage of drama and dances. I am really good at dancing and have a fluent accent in both English and Hindi.

    So sir as i am looking forward to be an actor. Please help me out with what you can because i am really passionate about becoming an actor and i really want to become.

    Hope to see your reply soon !! :)

    1. A passion of becoming an actor doesn't make you an actor. Get trained in the acting craft. Read fully 106 posts of this blog and read my acting coaching website appearing as a pop up on this page

  99. Hi sir i just turned 23 n i hav recently finished my diploma in film acting frm d bary john acting studio delhi. I am currently doing theatre in my hometown jammu.. Besides this im a bachelor in Dental surgery.. I m really confused where to start from.. Shld i gain more experience.. Olease guide me

  100. Hello sir, I'm 18years old boy with cooL style . My height is 5.5 and I'm from abode of Vrindavan Dham ...it is my desire to be actor but not get any guide on my Carrere......therefore I requested you to help me and place me one of the good coaching from where I can achieve my goal and dream .

    1. Read 206 posts of this blog. Also read my coaching website through a red pop up appearing on this blog

  101. hello sir hi i am taman from chandigarh i am 15 years old my height is 5.6. i want to be an serial actor. in chandigarh only plz sir

    1. 1. Attain an age of 18 and be an adult first.
      2. Read 206 posts of this blog. Also read my coaching website through a red pop up appearing on this blog

  102. priyanjalee bhattacharjeeJuly 11, 2016 at 1:04 AM

    hello sir, i am priyanjalee, i want to become an actress in bollywood, i am white, my height is 5, i know dancing and my age is 19. i love acting. after watching tv serials i act like that in my home. i didnt take any coaching. but acting is my hobby my paasion my everything. please tell me sir what should i do?

    1. It's very difficult to be an actor in TV serials or films without proper training. Why? Because there are thousands of girls like you with a dream but not trained on the fine art of acting, acting for camera, with no knowledge of cine or TV serial industry, portfolio, monologue, artist co-ordinators. The result is a total failure. Either most of the girls are cheated, used and thrown into sex market or lose all the money and become a total mental wrack or go back home.
      However, you can definitely succeed as an actor with proper training, guidance and learning how to market your career. You must have a lot of patience for many years, sufficient money to get trained and support you in Mumbai.
      I wish you all the best!


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