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Top 3 Casting Directors You Can Contact For Bollywood Entry

Top 3 Casting Directors in India

Why Do You Want To Contact And Pay Big Money To Any Casting Director?

Contact The Beat 3

Though there are hundreds of casting directors in India, most of them, in Mumbai, here are the three TOP ONES who are selecting and recommending actors to leading production houses of Bollywood.
Whatever information I could gather about them, I have given below. More, you have to find out yourself through social networking sites and from other casting directors or actors.
However, one of the ways to contact them is to send your details and portfolio as a "message" through their Facebook Page, on the link given below under their names.
(You must have your own Facebook account)

Nandini Shrikent

Nandini Shrikent

Facebook page (You can send your portfolio as a "message")
Advice for aspiring actors
"Watch films, watch plays, watch people, keep it real and be positive. The rest is up to Dionysus".

Vicky Sidana

Vicky Sidana

Facebook page (You can send your portfolio as a "message")
Twitter page (You can tweet your website or request for his contact Email/Number)

Mukesh Chhabra

Mukesh Chhabra

Interested are requested to send in your latest pictures (Max. upto 4 pictures not exceeding 2Mb) with the following Email Id-
Mukesh Chhabra casting co. on Facebook.
Mukesh Chhabra's website (Note: The site opens late)
Add to Flipboard Magazine.


  1. Hello Mr. Pande,

    Hope you'redoing well. I would be grateful if you could just suggest me how to give it a start. I am a music composer. With my own compositions, can write great lyrics within a very short span of time. I am based in pune at the moment, the caught in the job kinds, however, I really want to get into lyrics writing. Kindly please suggest. I am quitting everything and moving to mumbai next month and all set to start from zero. My email is shadabahmad2011@Gmail.com and my contact is 9049171530. Hope to hear from ypu soon sir. Regards

  2. I don't have any requirement at present. Will let you know in the future.

    1. Sir i am Rudra thagim. Live in sikkim,I have little experience in acting. I want to be an actor. Presently i am running my own tutorial centre. I have keen interest to be an actor. Sir please if possible plz leave me message in my email Rudrathagim@gmail.com. contact 7872773960.

    2. Hello sir I m vivek form Agra and I m not experience in acting and I m never face camera.but I m stile confidant to act anything Plz give me a one chance

  3. Hello Mr. Pande,

    I am looking for entry for my child in the acting. My daughter is 8 yrs old and she is very good at dancing, acting and she's good looking. I am currently based in Pune. Please let me know if there is something which you can help me out in. You can get in touch with me at priti.wadhawa@gmail.com

    1. I will send you an email soon. Meanwhile please read carefully these 2 sites of mine

    2. sir me actor banna chata hu

    3. sir muje boolywood me entry

  4. hi iam gagan deep at writer & singer

    1. I will keep you in mind for future while making my films

    2. kiran pande please come my office & meet. offer to make film.contact plfilms2015@gmail.com

    3. Sir, I would need some more details. I'm writing to you on your email. Meanwhile you can also send me the details on :

  5. Sir pande I belong to Lahore Pakistan. I want to work in Bollywood industry but I have no reference. Can you help me to work under you.

    1. Everything is possible, if you manage to come to Mumbai on a long term visa and that too on a work visa. Try.

  6. Hii sir hope you r doing good. I want to be an actrss sir so if u want a girl of 15yrs old then pls remember me thank u sooo much...

    1. Read this blog very carefully. You will have all your answers

  7. Hello sir I am kapil and I an very interested and its my dream to become a director. Can you please help me or suggest me some steps so that I can get into the industry
    You can mail me at kpkpkapil2@gmail.com. Thank you sir.

  8. Hello sir I am muawaz sherazand I an very interested and its my dream to become a director. Can you please help me or suggest me some steps so that I can get into the industry
    You can mail me muawazsheraz@gmail.com. Thank you sir.03045990533

    1. You can try in these 2 institutes

      The fees is around 2 Lakhs

    2. Hello Sir. I would highly appreciate if u give me a chance in acting as its my dream to be a successful actor. I m 24 years old girl residing in Mumbai. However I do know for the fact that I will be rejected as I don't have any contacts in this field as such and neither do I have any professional degree or experience in acting however any favour regarding this would be highly appreciated. Its a request pls

    3. I'm not a casting director. You may read one of our post on casting directors. Visit them. However, it is essential to get professionally trained.

  9. Dear sir,
    I am pawan ,i am 17+,and lives in delhi.i want to an actor.a huge superstar in bollywood .please guideme in achieving my dream

    1. Open your eyes and read this post:

    2. I know you get many requests from peoples to help them.
      But i know opportunity doesn't know my door.i have to make a door.i am very serious about acting.i m not in those people who said my friend told me i look like hero.... And i also don't wanna marry sonakshi sinha...

    3. Read all 150 posts and everything on the right and left sidebar. It may take you may be 15 days to a month. Take this blog as your religious book. Then, if you understand the game, contact me. Don't listen to your friends about you looking like a hero. There are 1000's looking like a hero who have destroyed their lives in Mumbai. The success rate is only 5 to 7% and that too after 5 to 20 years

  10. Dear kiran sir, I have a bollywood script with me which is exceptionally well written. I am sure if brought into reality it will be a very worth watching movie. A script on which any actor will be ready to work on. Plz help me in connecting myself with the appropriate person in film industry. Thank you

    1. Read this post of mine and contact the production houses mentioned. Be careful, don't give your story in full. Only synopsis-
      38 Top Bollywood Directors and Production Houses for Direct Entry

    2. Thank you sir, for your work, you provide the write direction. I search many times for write answers but no one can give me. Your blog is really good place for all. God blessed you.

  11. dear sir i am Ashutosh I want to ast. director in movie.please advise me.

  12. Hello sir I recently went on a film set in England and a really big producer called out to me as soon as he saw me.
    Mr Vashu Bhagnani this gave me some confidence to possibly try out acting I was told by some my look has similarities to Aishwariya Rai but I didn't feel this way now I

  13. Continuing on I am living in Bradford England which is not the best place to be I can't afford to move out should I wait and hope Mr Bhagnani casts me in a future film?

  14. Hi sir ,
    My name is Malhar, i am 17 year old , i am a mechanical engineering student actually i want to become a writer , i known you heard before many time this thing from most of people . but really its true i . completed my 1st story the name of story is "THREE THINGS TO MARRY I HAVE ONE " Its a love story . i know sir you are very famous as well as busy and you give chance to new people , i don't want to become famous , its me only , no one make famous writer but famous writer inside every one. Sir please this is my first story and i want you become a very important part of this story . i wrote three story but this is very special for me your truly
    Malhar tambe

    1. Sorry. However, I suggest to give an ad. in Olx and Quikr, which are free, offering your story. Or, search on internet "want story writers"

  15. Hi sir,
    Myself Tushaar, actually I want to be a movie director and want to make it add my profession but a lot of problems I am facing like no family support no financial support for this and also I don't know anything about the industries. . But if I get 5 to 6 month I can make myself belongs to this industries. Pls sir guide me if possible how can I be a director for movie in feature. Thanking u sir. Hope u will get my msg...

    1. To be a director, search on net or particularly on Faceboob. You will find all the opportunities for a director.
      Secondly, a scope gets really limited if you have limited finances

  16. Hello sir,i'm Neha Vashishtha from Aligarh (up)......i'm intrested in acting .....so gv me a. Chance ......thank u somch ....

    1. Sorry, I'm NOT a casting director, but an acting coach.
      Read 150 posts of this blog and also read my following training site:

    2. I'm NOT a casting director, but an acting coach. Sorry

  17. Sir which is the best dance and acting classes in Mumbai
    Pls help me

    1. Read on the right sidebar the most popular top post. The 1st one is on 12 acting schools

  18. Hello sir , I m 20 yr old girl... I stay in navi mumbai... I want to do acting in movies n i want tobe an actress but I am not getting any real contacts. I really want to be a grt actress but how n whr to start? Sir plz guide me ... n sir I knw acting dancing well but I m not "professionally trained" in dis .. I want to be a
    perfect actress plz guide me ... my email id is jaivyjoshi@yahoo.com plz rply asap..

    1. The only way is To get professionally trained.
      1. Either read all the posts of this blog, practice in front of the mirror or with your friends
      2. Or join preferably an acting coach who will train you according to your needs.On the other hands, a good school may cost you from Rs. 2 Lakhs to 9 Lakhs.

    2. hello Mr Pande,
      i am 11yrs old and am from mumbai but i live abroad this might not make sense but i want to be an bollywood actress.i would really be grateful to you if u could give me some guidance as i dont dont have an email id u can post the info in the website and call me as "kid",i will be checking this website daily
      looking forward a reply
      thanking you,

    3. sir you did not reply to my post

    4. You have answered your own question. It doesn't make sense.Study, Become a major in age, shift permanently to Mumbai, get trained then decide.

  19. Hi sir , please please think about me and give me a chance ,ihave also many videos to proof my acting .Iam 13 yrs old and I live in Uttarakhand

  20. Hi Sir,
    I am a graduate and i want to be a film director. I tried for SRFTI but did not get through the entrance exam. Today i appreared for FTII entrance exam but I am not sure about it. Could you please help me out suggesting some good institution for direction other then the above mentioned institutes. I would also like to know about CRAFT, Delhi regarding direction course.
    I would be glad if you reply to my answers.
    Thank You.

    With Regards,
    Debanjan Paul

    1. Every information, including reviews on institutes is available on the internet. It requires research and intelligence. Without this, you can never achieve anything in life. However, in Mumbai, ZIMA is okay.
      I do not trust most of the insitutions

  21. Hello
    I am Harneet Singh
    My age is 15 and I am very fashionable , good looking. I have been made leader of acting group. I am fond of acting and modeling . Please give a chance I will proof myself. I feel and act.
    My email Id I'd = Harneets81.hs.hs@gmail.com
    Facebook I'd = Harneets81@Gmail. Com
    Thank you

    1. You have not read this blog. I'm NOT a casting director but an acting coach

  22. Hello, Mr. Pande
    Sohail raza here, I am 16 years old and I m very much interested in becoming an actor but In the industry I dnt hav any one who can guide me or introduce me but if I get chance to prove myself in any role or in any other thing it will be a great honour to me...Can u share something that will help me to shine in my future.

    1. Before dreaming wild, get professionally trained. And without few Lakhs of rupees, to sustain, market and get trained in Mumbai, it's extremely difficult

  23. Hello Sir, My name is Sunny. I have some doubts mentioned below if you can answer me I will be very great full to you.
    1. Is Artist card is necessary to work in industry as an actor? If yes! then which organisations are good to contact for Artist card?
    2. How can I get entry in Film city Goregaon apart form tour and ticket base?
    3. I want to join you in weekend classes.. what are the charges and procedures?
    Please reply me quickly if possible.

  24. Hello Sir,
    I want to join you on weekend classes. What is the fee and procedures?
    Please reply me quickly if possible.

    1. The weekend classes have to be specially arranged for you and that too ONLY FOR YOU, alone. It will be only on Sunday in a week and will continue till end of October (If you register, now). The fees will be as it is for "The Focused Course". Please visit my coaching website for details:
      No other option till December.

  25. Thank you so much sir.....
    I will get back to you soon..

  26. Srt can u suggest some best coaching classes to be trained professionally? ?

    1. Read this post seriously:

  27. hii sir
    my name is alkesh mahala from haryana.
    i have tallent of a singer,artist and actor....
    i want to inter in the bollywood....
    plz suggest me how can i get my success

    1. You will have to shift permanently to Mumbai and firstly, get professionally trained. Remember, for outstation candidates, to become an actors a lot of money

  28. Hi Sir..
    This is Gaurav pushkar..
    M from delhi...
    M 6ft tall with fair look,
    In coming few days ...I m wiling to visit Mumbai...
    Nd want to have a meeting with you...
    For further... Prospectives in acting..
    As m a professional actor. .

  29. Namaste sir, my name is vikas s vaishya.currently resided in mumbai.i want to i want to feel the air surounding me,to touch soul ,to take out the pain in me an to make a better world by doing one of the best work with lots of hardwork an understanding.please help me to become an successful actor,boz it will happen when i will be meeting the right person at right time.hope ....................
    thank u.

    1. To be a successful actor, you require hard work and intelligence, apart from getting professionally trained. And this you are NOT doing! The simple fact is that you have asked me this question without reading from this blog, 179 posts, which may take few months to learn and practice. Nor you have clicked the blue "pop up" appearing on this blog which will take you to my website explaining about my professional coaching.
      This means, you want to be an actor without doing any work and want some producer or director to come to your home and would request you to be Hero in his film.
      Just forget about being an actor if you cant do simple internet searching and find out the success factors to be an actor.
      There is a very good post in this blog which gives you the best guidance on how to be a successful actor.
      If you can't search this post in this blog, I can't help you.

  30. Hi Pandey Sahab,

    My Mane is Prakash, age 38, would like to work in ads as character artist (eg. Father etc.) Is it possible?

  31. Hello sir, I want to become casting coordinator. so how to start it? And how much a casting coordinator earn and how? Please replysir.

  32. Hi, sir my name is kanan and I would like to work with you my age is 12 years plss reply soon contact no. 7838159750

  33. Hello Sir ! I am Harshit Singh .. I want to persue my career in Bollywood please support me n guide me sir .. My mail id is " Harshitparihar15@gmail.com " n mob no.is 8966820222
    I am 20 years young fair boy ! Please guide me as soon as possible .

    1. Read all 180 posts of this blog seriously. You will have all your answers

  34. Hello pande sir .. I am Harshit Singh Parihar . I want to be an actor plz guide me to enter in bollywood . My mail Id is Harshitparihar15@gmail.com n mob no is 8966820222 . I am young 20 male with an acting talent so plz help me sir

    1. Read all 180 posts of this blog seriously. You will have all your answers

  35. hi i want to be a actor and i want to work with indian actors like salman khan , katrina kapoor

    1. There is a cut throat competition with thousands trying to break into a successful actor. The success rate is ONLY 2%
      Are you professionally trained on:
      Different types of acting techniques?
      Acting for the camera?
      Displaying all emotions and attitudes?
      How to market and promote yourself?
      Portfolio, show reel and monologues?
      List of Industry people and production houses?
      Can you come to Mumbai or call a coach at your place?
      Are you prepared to wait for a long time with periods of financial instability?
      If your answer is YES, then Okay
      If NO, then either you get professionally trained or forget about being an actor

    2. Hello , sir
      Manvi this side.
      I am a 15 yr old girl from Delhi and my answer to all these questions is yes.So , what should i do further?

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Sir,
    As I am a biggner , how and from where I can have my portfolio.

    1. There is a cut throat competition with thousands trying to break into a successful actor. The success rate is ONLY 2%
      Are you professionally trained on:
      Different types of acting techniques?
      Acting for the camera?
      Displaying all emotions and attitudes?
      How to market and promote yourself?
      Portfolio, show reel and monologues?
      List of Industry people and production houses?
      Can you come to Mumbai or call a coach at your place?
      Are you prepared to wait for a long time with periods of financial instability?
      If your answer is YES, then Okay
      If NO, then either you get professionally trained or forget about being an actor

  38. Hi sir
    Its m Asad khan from peshawar Pakistan. Im living in Malaysia present time but I wanna to join bollywood as a actor. Can i get a chance from you?
    Please touch me on asad2020@live.co.uk or cell 006011 1102 5848

  39. HiSir, can you please advise me on long should I wait for them to get back to me. I recently send some of my photo's to one of the directors mentioned above but I haven't receive any reply back.

    This that means they rejected me or it takes longer?

    1. Nothing will happen by sending your photos. They get 1000's of photos. It depends on the quality of your portfolio and what efforts you are making to meet them personally and finally, whether you are trained professionally or not.

  40. ...me kya karu?
    Read 190+ posts from this blog and prctice in front of a mirror or with friends
    OR, Join me for professional coaching to train you.
    My training details website for fees, duration courses and venue are here:

  41. Sir

    Do you have the option of weekend workshop for kids? My daughter is 8 year old and a fresher to acting. For this week I can get her for 3 times, since its Christmas vacation. Post that can it be continued for once a week. Hoping a positive reply.

  42. Hello Sir
    Do you have weekend workshop for kids? My daughter is 8 year old and is a fresher to acting. We are in Mumbai. Since its Christmas Vacation I can get her for 3 times this week. Post that can it be continued once a week - may be Saturday? Please let me know Sir if it can be worked out. Thanks in Advance.

    1. Yes, it can be organized on mutually agreed terms and convenience. Please let me know the following details on my EMAIL.
      1. Where do you stay in Mumbai?
      2. The coaching can be taken at your place, as my place is full.
      3. Visit my kid's acting blog for details
      4. For syllabus, visit:
      5. For fees, venue etc. visit:
      Please send details, as asked by me on:

    2. hello sir.....sir mje actor banna hai plzz help me

    3. Do you want to be an actor? Then read all 190 posts of this blog and practice in front of a full size mirror or with your friends. This may take you about 4 to 5 months. There are about 29 aspiring actors who among many, have done this and are now actors in TV serials and films. Do some hard work on Internet, if you want to be an actor or else, forget about being an actor.

  43. hello sir....I am manoj ,i am 25+,and lives in delhi.i want to an actor.please guideme in achieving my dream.... plzz sir

    1. Do you want to be an actor? Then read all 190 posts of this blog and practice in front of a full size mirror or with your friends. This may take you about 4 to 5 months. There are about 29 aspiring actors who among many, have done this and are now actors in TV serials and films. Do some hard work on Internet, if you want to be an actor or else, forget about being an actor.

  44. Kiran Sir, My daughter is 7 year old. We had been to some of the auditions by registering through Inmatch modelling and paying Rs 5000 for registration and another 5000 for portfolio, but nothing seems to be working out. What they see in a child model of her age. Does your coaching help kids to learn camera facing and auditions. Please help me. I have been going for auditions for past 2 years and now they say I should make the portfolio again. Please suggest what should we do.

    1. Yes, I train and develop a child on all the requirements to be a great child actor including acting for camera, creating a website and a 2 minute monologue film to promote a child. The marketing and promotion of a kid actor is now a days a key success factor
      Perhaps the problem could be not fully knowing A. Audition techniques B. Acting for camera and C. Whom to contact to develop a strong net working.
      Please read our coaching syllabus which will give you a fair idea of our professional approach to a kid's acting training:

  45. Hello sir...my 5 years old daughter wants to be on tv since last 3 years..she is really a drama queen ..please suggest me where to start as i am living in pune i dont know much about the industry and how it works...

    1. Better to wait for 2 more years, then she would be better to perceive the training. However, you can try even now. Firstly, get her trained by an acting coach and not make her join a school. by this and a personal attention by a coach she will pick up fast

  46. Dear Sir Under your coaching what should be frequency of sessions and how many sessions are good enough for training a 7 year old? what is generally the success rate for kids to get their first break?

  47. Hi Sir I am Sarthak I have a good story idea for a daily soap can I mail u that.

  48. hii sir,i look your all web u doing great work sir i am vijay singh rajput from ahmedabad city i want work in film industry and i am so pessionet about this i am crezy about accting but i have no any big contect and no bellowg to filmy family background i give so many auddstion but no result so pls gaide me how can i work in this line if u have some work then i give a auddsiton and send my pic allso right now..thanku sir..

    1. 1. Read all 190+ posts from this blog.
      2. Click blue pop-up appearing on this page, go to my coaching website and read details on fees, duration, courses, duration and venue etc

  49. Hello Sir,

    I am 24 female,want to be an actress.Could you please suggest me how to start? Or this age is too late to start as an actress?

    1. No age is too late as a film or TV story has characters of all ages. On how to start, if you are serious to be an actress, then spend time in reading all the posts of this blog which as 196 posts and a blue pop-up appearing on this page.
      You can never be an actress if can't devote all your time.

    2. Hello @Kiranpande i'm an actor. I've done 2 tv serials in Tamil. Would like to enter Hindi boll wood industry. And tv serials as well. I've prof. Exp in Modelling ramp walk shows etc. Whom should I contact apart from the three above.

  50. Sir bollwood ma kam Kerna ha is no idea sir (I am honest boy)
    Muje kam ki jarurat ha

  51. Hi Sir.
    I'm Jun Kumar from Malaysia - I want to learn how to be a good actor. Please let me know how you can teach me- do I need to go to India or do you have online courses? What would the cost be?
    I'm an Indian born but am now a Malaysian. Thank u.

  52. I am 21 male,want to be an actor.Could you please suggest me how to start???

  53. Hello sir, with complete respect to you, i wanna say that sir, i am from North-east tripura, i came in pune for my bcom through merit, but i wanna become an actor, but i don't have enough resources like money power, contacts and professional training, but i can assure you that if can give a chance then you will not get disappointed because u will find the flavours of all the 8 sisters of NE. And alongside that i am a singer too, so sir can u help me by giving a start to my carear in ths field?

  54. Sir please help me to get a start...

    1. If you don't have sufficient money and are ready to live in Mumbai and struggle for 5 years, forget about being an actor. It may frustrate you. Develop some other goal of life, follow it and be happy

  55. sir pandey i belonf from rawalpindi pakistan and i am a child actor and want to start my acting career from bollywood

    1. Take Indian visa and shift to Mumbai for 3 years, then try. Must have big money to sustain you.

  56. Hello,
    Myself Tahir Abbas.
    My look is good but i m thin.
    i want to work with a great person like u
    With best regards,

  57. Sir pande I belong to mumbai kalyan. I want to work in Bollywood industry but I have no reference. Can you help me to work under you.

    1. Read carefully all 4 pages of my coaching site from a pop-up appearing on this page

  58. Hey sir,
    my name is Ishwa and i am a casting director at DSA Khushi Films International, please let me know if you have any project for casting... You can also mail me on Ishwa.khushifilmsinternational@gmail.com or adhyaruishwa@gmail.com

    1. Surely, I will keep you in mind while making my films soon. Meanwhile, send your details at my email and let me know if you can help my good acting students in their promotion. Of course, they will pay for your registration

  59. Dear Mr. Pande, My name is Padma and im a mauritian. I would love to have an opportunity for acting. I do camera and still learning.Ik reading all your instructions.Please advise me if i can still have auditions wheneve there is a casting. I did come to mumbai as well, however im also working in dubai.plaese advise me the agenies i should come to drop my cv for acting when i come to india
    ...thank you.be bless.

    1. Firstly, read this post. it will answer most of your questions. Secondly, you have to Mumbai to stay for a long period. Then get professionally trained. Also, you must be fluent in Hindi

    2. i understand hindi completely and im still learning to speak hindi..in a matter of two month i can just speaf fluently..I have sent you an email in your email and hope to hear from you..Thank you again for your time and dedication..Be bless.

  60. Thank you very much for this precious advise

  61. Hello sir.. My name is Shivam. I'm a sportsperson. My height 5.10 feet. I have a good physique. A well maintained body I have.can u help me to enter in bollywood

    1. First, get professionally trained in acting craft and acting for camera. Then learn to market and promote yourself among thousands of aspiring actors who have good or better physique than you, roaming on the streets of Mumbai to get an entry into Bollywood.
      Meanwhile, read all 200+ posts on this blog. This will surely help you.

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. Hi sir I am Archie.m 16 yr old.I want to be an actress.nd want to know that does casting couch exists in industry or not.if yes then how to handle it.I would also like to know about fees criteria fr admission in knk Mumbai.and thanks sir fr such motivating blogs.

    1. Yes, it does exist. The best is to go only for reputed production houses.

  64. Hlo sir my name meenesh Kumar I am join in Bollywood of villain

    1. Get professionally trained by an acting coach or in a school, first.

    2. Get professionally trained by an acting coach or in a school, first.

  65. Sir I am Aditya Mishra I done live theatres on state level I wants to work in a movie m...my contract!! Email:Udityamishraudi1@gmail.com/9155631968

    1. Why have you given your gmail as contact? Nobody contacts you like this. Get professionally trained first!

  66. Hello Mr. Pande,

    Iam an IT sales professional, I ve been always been very keen for acting and drama I've done more than 15 stage shows till now, please help me with a platform to prove my talent , ill be really grateful to you. I have been not so professionally been trained in a movie acting school but I can prove the roles on my confidence as I have always been an achiever and I don't wanna be left out as a mediocre. please help me with your guidance and reply sir. I am subscribed to your blogs and post . please guide me for a chance sir.

    email - shrey.baluja@yahoo.com

    1. The competition is too severe. You must get professionally trained either by an expert acting coach or a good school, though a good school may be very expensive (2Lakkhs+). Then try

  67. hello sir i'm morrocan girl and my dream is to became an actress at this moment i can't go to india to do castings but i just wanna know if it's very important to do a kiss in a movie because my family doesn't accept so please answer me

    1. Be happy in Morocco and don't think about actor in films etc in India. Listen to your parent's advise.

    2. Looking two Male actors and one Female actress for Bollywood Hindi feature film .
      interested contact me on

  68. Hello
    My name is Zain Maroof i'm 17 jear old.
    I live in italy(europe). I can speak italian, germany, hindi and englisch.
    I went 2 jears to a acting class. I want to act in movies as hero.
    I'm ready to came mumbai.
    Pleas answer me

    1. Shift to Mumbai India for a long period, first

  69. Hlo sir i m kapil from urlana kalan panipat sir mne koi acting class attend classes attend nhi ki h pr fir b m achi acting kr skta hu to muje to ab m kya kru classes attend kru ya audition dhu sir

    1. Now a days, due to thousand of aspiring actors roaming on Mumbai streets, It's extremely difficult to get a break in the films or TV without training especially on Acting for camera and on how to market and promote your career

  70. Respected sir ik Amit nami shakhs ne meray sath Salman khan sb ka manager bn kr unhi ka cheque de kr fraud kiya hy plz contact me me aur bi batana chahta hu plz contact on my face cell no 0332 7404394 me pakista se hu plz save us from such person meray pass prooof bi hy

  71. How to meet Bollywood stars? Please help me to meet any star.

  72. Sir i am a northeast boys well educated having good looks. I want to be an actor. I have little experience in acting. I had already done acting in dd North East programe and missionary movie. I have keen interest in acting. Please if you help me to work under you please leave me message in my inbox rudrathagim@gmail.com. Rudra thagim. Qualification. M.COM in international business and MA in economics.

    1. If you want to be an actor, firstly read all 200+ posts from this blog then contact me.

  73. Hello Mr. Pande,
    i have a script , if you are intrested then plzzz email me om " mohds39@gmail.com"
    and i am sure that this will be the next blockbuster in indian cinema in imotional catagry aftar Anand ............but i dont have any contact number of director or any producer.....so if you are intrested den plzzz contact me ASAP.......and plllzzz Do not forget your tissue papers because you probably will not be able to keep your tears from flowing when you listen my script...

  74. Looking two Male actors and one Female actress for Bollywood Hindi feature film .
    interested contact me on

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