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Don't Be Stupid! Learn Acting Singly By Top Coach | Details

Join us to be a top actor

  • God Has Made You Unique. There Is No 2nd You. How Can You Learn a Fine Art Like Acting With A Crowd?

  • Beginner Or Experienced? Get Trained Update Skills By Private Acting Coach To Be A Star

      Join me. This step today will make you a Top Actor tomorrow!

Salient Features of My Personal and Professional Coaching

Emails for communication
1. The coaching is NOT based on a typical school system where students are taught in a bunch of 20 or 30 with a common syllabus for all. A school may not be in certain situations, concerned about whether a student who completes a course gets a break in films or serial or in commercial ads.
An actor is an artist who masters a highly sensitive craft based on an individual's emotional and attitude built up and therefore there cannot be a common syllabus. As per the survey, the failure percentage of actors passing out of schools in India is 82% (CAA survey).

2. I design a career plan and syllabus based on an individual after weighing the strengths and weaknesses by auditions and by interviews before a candidate joins me.
3. The learning journey of a candidate starts with understanding the "Game" of acting and how can you become a star in Bollywood and TV serials. It continues with types of actors, mastering techniques, camera acting, how to win auditions etc.. Finally leading to the most needed strategy development of how to market and promote yourself to get sure entry into Films, TV serials, commercial ads and print media.

4. A hand-picked list of casting directors and coordinators is provided

5. Suitable candidates get a break in our own short films. 
6. The coaching sessions are taken 2 to 3 days a  week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2 PM to 5 PM for 5 weeks. 
7. We can train you on Bollywood conversational Hindi and Urdu

How Can We Make You a Great Actor?


For details, click and open the  page from top menu 'coaching syllabus for adults'

Important Conditions and requirements for REGISTRATION


1. You can be registered for a particular course only if you apply ONE MONTH in advance
2. Selection is based on an audition to assess whether you have any inborn talent or not
3. Full amount for a selected course has to be paid at the time of registration. Regret, there is no advance,  installment or EMI system

4. No phone calls or a direct visit to my residence. Communication is
5. However, you can visit me without registration, with a prior appointment only for a consultation to assess your chances to be a successful actor, my courses, syllabus and for answers to any of your other queries. The consultation charges are Rs. 1500 to be paid on arrival for the consultation. Good News- If you decide to register yourself for any of my courses, this Rs. 1500 will be adjusted in the registration fee for a course

                                              Courses and fees

A. Supreme Individual Course

(Recommended to those who want to be aInternational and Bollywood Star. Nothing else!)
  • Do you have an ambitious dream?
  • Want to be sure to be an expert in the acting craft?
  • And need all the notes and "an excellence certificate from 'A Master Coach'? 
  • Then go...Go...Go for this course!
Key features:
1.  A SWOT analysis of you to assess by our capabilities and chances of success
2.  An exhaustive and personalized syllabus designed especially for you
3. A practice of all the techniques, emotions, attitudes, acting for camera and other aspects till you are perfect
4. Creation of your website and it's online promotion
5. Creating and filming a monologue for you and promoting online OR creating and filming a a video interview and promoting
6. Goal setting
7. Long Term Support
Three months or more, depending upon your progress, 2 to 3 times a week in the afternoon
Fees: Rs. 1, 20,000 (One Lakh Twenty Thousand)  to be paid one month in advance

2.  *'The 'Elite Course' +

Absolutely on individual and personal 'on one on one'  basis for a total of 30 hours spread over 2 months, 2 to 3 times a week in the afternoon.
Fees: Rs. 40, 000
This includes:
A. Learning International, acting techniques like Stanslavisky, Michael Chekhov and Alexander techniques
B. Focused acting instrument development like finer aspects of  body and mental health
C. Elaborate camera scene acting 
D. Personal S.W.O.T. Analysis (your strength, weaknesses, opportunity analysis)
E. Writing, rehearsing a monologue suited to your profile, making a video film of monologue and its International promotion through internet
F. Goal Setting-Career and life 
G. A detailed marketing and promotional plan
. Long-term support

3. The 'Focused Group Course' (The Most Economical & Effective!)

Either one on one or in a group of 1 or 3 aspiring actors for a total of 30 hours spread over 4 to 5 weeks, 2 to 3 days in a week in the afternoon.
Fees: Rs. 20,000 for each of group members

4. * Special Weekend Course

 A special Weekend Course  can be arranged for aspiring actors who are "Working Aspiring Actors"
Fees: Rs. 35,000 for a total of one and a half month | Each Saturday and Sunday i.e of a total of 12 days | Each session of 2 to 3 hours. This includes filming and online promotion of a monologue specially written to suit you .

5. The Intense Course

It is a special course or "Urgent" course to suit an individual requirement of time/days available at him/ her. Obviously, this means that our other regular batch sessions will have to be postponed to suit this individual. The fees for such "Urgent" courses could be high and would be decided based on dates and time available with this individual.
Fees: Will be quoted after discussion
Please send the details of your specific number of days and dates  available with you and reason why you want to be an actor and why an acting coach and not a regular school? Email  your query  on: kiran.aged@gmail.com 

6. The Bullet Workshop 

One half-day  workshop on the fundamentals of acting and acting for the camera. 
Fees: Rs. 3500

7. Only writing, Filming  & Promoting Monologue Online

For writing a 2 minute filmed monologue for you, rehearsing, filming and promoting your film online on media. Fees: Rs. 4000

8. Chance in a Film

To give you a chance in a film, we can make a short film  of 10 to 15 minutes, at a reasonable cost to you. This will be promoted online Internationally on YouTube and on our websites and blog 
C 12, New Natraj, Pestom Sagar, Road # 6, 
Ghatkopar East, Mumbai 400089, INDIA
NOTE: Outstation candidates will have to make their own arrangements for a stay.
Wishing you to be a great actor!
So, are you ready to be a great actor?

Email: actingcoach.kiran.pande@gmail.com; kiran.aged@gmail.com

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