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Film terms |
These terms are used internationally and most of them in India as well. If you know these terms, you stand out and impress everyone besides that you understand a discussion during an audition or on a set and can quickly respond.
Acting Bug.
A term used to indicate that someone of any age has been infected with a great desire to be an actor.
Acting Resume.
Focuses exclusively on acting and establishes your credibility as an actor by listing your acting experience and training as well as promote you as an actor to agents and casting directors.
A director’s cue to begin filming.
An assistant director, and usually part of a hierarchy, whose duties will include helping to set up shots, coordinating and writing call sheets, and directing and corralling extras.
Air Checks.
A recording made of a televised show on 3/4" tape to be used for demo reels.
A failing of some actors who seem to be too slow or too fast in responding to action or dialogue onstage.
Apple Boxes.
Wooden crates that elevate either an actor, a cameo or furniture on a set.
Another term for “extras” or “background artists”.
A formally arranged session (usually by appointment) for an actor to display his or her talents when seeking a role in an upcoming production of a play, film or television project, usually to a casting director, director or producers.
Another term for extras or atmosphere.
Direction given by the Assistant Director after a take. It means to go back to the position which you were in at the beginning of the scene.
Best Boy/ Spot Boy.
They are either part of the grip or electrical department. They are the right hand persons of the Key Grip or Gaffer.
A term used for actors giving too much of a performance in the interpretation of their scene. It refers to expression, voice levels, and body movement.
The size of an actor’s role such as starring or guest starring. Also, where the actor’s name will be placed in the credits and if the name will be shown on the screen alone or with others.
Bit Part.
A small part, usually consisting of a few lines.
In rehearsals, actors practice the required movements, in a pattern or along a path, for a given scene that allows them to avoid any awkward positions, such as one actor walking in front of another actor or standing with his or her back to the camera.
Blue Screen.
Also sometimes called Green Screen, it is a blank screen which acts as the backdrop to live action.
Body-Shot Picture.
Subject is seen in an outfit (body suit, work-out clothes, dance attire, bathing suit) or performing a special skill/stunt (martial arts, surf boarding, skiing, dancing) that accentuates their body in some way.
A confirmed session indicating you have a job.
The Overhead microphone used to record actors’ voices.
Boom Mike.
A microphone on the end of a pole, held above actor’s heads to record dialogue.
An exaggerated performance.
A one-time payment for shooting and airing a commercial.
A second audition where an actor is either presented to the producer and director or, in the case of commercials, is filmed on tape again for final consideration.
Call Sheet.
The daily sheet for a production that lists all the scenes to be shot that day as well as actor and crew arrival times.
Call Time.
The time you are supposed to report to the set.
Camera Right.
When looking into the camera, your left.
Camera Left.
When looking into the camera, your right.
As a noun, generally refers to the group of actors performing in a particular production. As a verb, refers to the final status of an actor that has won a role or part in a production over other competing performers.
When a casting director puts out the news that he needs to fill a certain role that requires an approximate age range and appearance such as a certain ethnicity, height, build or look.
Catalog modeling.
Modeling for photographs which will be used in catalogs produced by a manufacturer or distributor to sell clothing or other items.
Character model.
A model who, while not necessarily a classic beauty, has strong or interesting facial features and selling attributes for specific products.
Character Role.
A supporting role with pronounced or eccentric characteristics.
Circle Takes.
A director’s favorite or most usable filming of a particular scene. Used to expedite the editing process.
Cold Reading.
Delivering a speech or acting a scene at an audition without having read it beforehand.
Everyone on the set who is contributing to the production, in addition to the cast.
A close-up shot.
A line before an actor's line
Cue Cards.
The large flash cards that have an actor’s script printed on them and that are read when auditioning for a role in a TV commercial.
(Film) The director’s cue to stop filming.
Lines, speeches, songs, or any other element in a printed script left out of a particular production.
Day Shot.
A specific scene in the script to be filmed or taped while the sun is out.
Charged with filming or staging a play or musical, who coordinates all aspects of the production, including the performances of the actor. In television and film production,
this person influences the actions of actors and action sequences during filming, and supervises editing afterward.
Director’s Cut.
Film that is slightly or drastically different from the final cut that the studio ultimately releases.
An exaggerated facial response to another actor’s words or actions, usually used for comic effect.
Director of photography, in charge of designing and lighting the shot.
Ear prompter.
A small tape recorder system which the entire script is recorded and is transmitted to an earpiece through a loop around the neck. It is activated by a foot or hand control. Known in the industry as “the ear.”
Extreme close-up.
Seen at the beginning of a new scene description in a script, refers to Exterior.
Exterior Shot.
A scene filmed or taped out of doors.
Fashion modeling.
The modeling of clothes where the clothing is the central focus of the photos, not the model. Fashion models must meet size nd height requirements to properly display clothing in runway shows and fashion layouts.
Featured Role.
A co-starring role where you may have played a large role but weren’t necessarily the main character.
Figure modeling.
This is a form of nude modeling normally used for art rather than glamour.
Fire in the Hole.
An explosion or gunshot is ready to occur.
Glamour modeling.
A broad term for modeling where the model's appearance, rather than the attire or product, is the central focus.
Green Lit.
The process that follows a script has been developed and moves into production. Production involves building sets, designing costumes, measuring and fitting actors for costumes, and rehearsals.
Head Shot.
An 7" x 5" or other size photograph that acts as your calling card for securing television, film and theatrical work, showing your face as it actually appears. The head shot should capture your best and most unique physical features, while still remaining true to your actual image.
Hold Over.
When a director decides to use an actor for an extra day not originally scheduled.
Holding Area.
A place where extras are kept on a set or location.
Seen at the beginning of a new scene description in a script refers to Interior.
Interior Shot.
A scenic shot inside a sound stage or inside a set on location.
Junior model.
Models with a young look or who wear junior sizes, the typical measurements for a junior model is usually junior size 7 and about 105 pounds.
Lapel Mike.
Wireless mike attached under clothing
Laugh Track.
The laughter of a live audience of a situation comedy or other television show that actors are performing in front of, that is recorded to be played back when the show is aired.
Lead Role.
Considered a starring role in a production.
Line Producer.
Concerned with the day-to-day details of finishing a project or just keeping the project moving forward smoothly and on schedule.
Lip sing.
Matching your lip movements with a song
The art of matching lip movements and vitality of action in a scene. Dialogue that is added in post-production on a sound stage. Groups of people who work together to provide additional dialogue for a scene.
One who guides an actor/model in the development of his/her career. Same as personal manager.
Gestures, facial expressions, and vocal tricks that a particular actor uses again and again in different roles.
Exact locations of an actor’s feet on the floor during sequences of a shot.
Method Acting.
An internalized form of acting that uses experiences from an actor’s personal life to help produce onstage emotion.
Attaching a wireless transmitter to an actor’s body or clothes to record dialogue.
An actor’s ability to sound and/or look like someone else, usually a famous person.
Acting out.
Model release.
A contract the model signs which gives the client permission to use their photograph. .
A speech used by an actor to demonstrate his or her ability at an audition.
Night Shot.
A scene specified in the script to be filmed when it is dark out.
Continued in.......... Part2
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