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Actor's Questions And How 80 One Line Tips Make You An Actor

How an aspiring actor's dreams can be fulfilled by 80 tips

Aspiring Actors! Do You Have One Of These Questions?

How Can I Become An Actor
How To Become An Actor With No Experience
I Want To Become An Actor Where Do I Start
How To Become An Actor In Bollywood
I Want To Be An Actor In TV Serials
How To Learn Acting Without Expensive Schools
How To Learn Acting At Home

Don't Worry, Read And Follow These Quick Tips And Become An Actor Quickly

1. Watch a play in a theater. If you haven’t watched a play this month book a ticket now.

2. Get a script online or write a small scene and then work a scene with a friend THIS WEEK.

3. Do something you’ve never done before.

4. Get poems online and read

5. Speak a poem out loud.

6. Delete embarrassing Face book photos.

7. Breathe deeply. You can’t act when you are holding your breath.

8. Do you have an artist coordinator or an agent? Spend some money and spend the majority of your time getting at least 3 coordinators or an agent.

9. Read Stanislavsky and method acting.

10. Read book on how to improve voice.

11. Get from amazon.in  "The Power of the Actor" and read chapter 1 – 3.

12. Do an acting class preferably with your acting coach. Even if it’s one hour do something THIS MONTH.

13. Buy a smart phone with the good camera.

14. Hum and sing in the shower.

15. Congratulate people on their success.

16. Practice Yoga.

24. Exercise 3 times this week. And next week. And every week until the day you die.

17. Read stage Plays.

18. Watch good Hollywood classics and few Bollywood movies. In a good scene shut off the sound and watch the only acting performance.

19. Learn your lines.

20. Do a voice warm up.

21. Get a haircut with a decent style. Nothing weird and funky

22. Read every night before bed.

23. Read the first three pages out loud.

24. Watch television serials.

25. Get an acting coach.

26. Read plays out loud with friends.

27. Tell stories.

28. Tell jokes.

29. Learn to dance.

30. Create opportunities, Initiate and dance.

31. Learn to sing and sing at every opportunity.

32. Fall in love.

33. Live and learn to enjoy your life.

34. Have good and better-acting friends

35. Write every day.

36. Read every day.

37. Ask questions!

38. Have your heart broken.

39. Be sensitive, get upset and hurt

40. Have an opinion.

41. Learn to love conflict.

42. Be honest with yourself.

43. Be and stay flexible in every situation.

44. Open your heart.

45. Engage in a community.

46. Write a one-act play.

47. Go to film festivals in Mumbai or at your town. Try to go on opening nights of the festivals

48. Make a short film with you and your friends on your mobile phone. Get free editing done searching internet

49. Write a small one act play and if not in a theater then do a road show with your friends

50. Make mistakes.

51. Do what scares you.

52. Sleep and get up early. Make this a habit

53. Roll around on the floor.

54. Play like a CHILD.

55. Trust yourself.

56. Trust the director.

57. Trust your casting.

58. Read the full script at least 3 times before learning your lines.

59. Plan at least 3 times a week going to public places and watch people keenly. Imagine their life and create stories on watched people or even objects, animals, nature and buildings

60. Listen what you hear carefully and then react.

61. Listen to your parent's stories.

62. Learn history.

63. Learn the history of theater and film.

64. Travel.

65. Enjoy your own company.

66. Once or twice a month, stay up all night.

67. Learn EVERYONE’S names.

68. Help friends with auditions.

69. Build something.

70. Get and maintain a diary. Write daily

71. Learn marketing and promotion of your career

72 Download Grammarly for computer or buy a Dictionary.

73. Learn a new word every day.

74. Learn a new skill (Like parkouring, swimming, martial arts, language, a new regional accent, driving, stunt etc.)

75. Hang out at theater places like Prithvi theater Mumbai, sit in their coffee shop,  Find out and sit in on rehearsals.

76. Initially, to learn work in theater, even free!

77. Join social, community, spiritual or voluntary groups

78. Extend help to elderly and needy children

79. If under financial strains, be a working actor. Join production or direction department as an intern on a stipend

80. Irrespective of situations and circumstances Be BOLD.

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