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Check These 16 Signs if You Were Born to be a Bollywood Actor

Actor Baby
Actor Baby
1. You could make funny faces and signs before you could speak words

Dancing baby
Wow! Actor in Making
2. You could dance before you could walk.

3. You were a very expressive baby.

4. You wrote, directed, and acted in all your school, temple, church or other religious or neighborhood plays. 

5. Even the simplest tasks were performed with great focus and intensity.

6. As a child you always wanted more attention from everybody compared to your siblings (brothers and sisters)

7. You taught yourself how to raise one eyebrow, just so that you could be more dramatic.

8. Not were really interested in studies, but use to dream a lot, create and play with imaginary stories

9. You’ve tried “regular” jobs, but they are so boring.

10. You never were really good at sports.

11. Sometimes people found difficult to handle you

12. You sometimes forget the realities of life like competition, the importance of money, aspirations of parents, relationships etc.

13. You really know how to play a star in a party. 

14. You are always conscious of how you look and dress.

15. You can mimic well what you observe-people, animals, birds and voices

16. Sometimes you become hypersensitive and may make a fool of yourself

Still, You Can't be an Actor if You Have Not learned Camera Acting and How to Market and Promote Yourself

Still, You Can be a Great Actor by a Professional Training and Hard Work

Not a born actor? Don't worry, come to me!
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