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How To Fix 14 Slip-Ups By Most Actors In Auditions

Screwing up an Audition- Fix it NOW!
Screwing up an Audition- Fix it NOW!

This Is My Pick Which May Screw Up Your Chances in Auditions

  • Don't do anything that isn't about the audition. 
  • To arrive at an audition without thoroughly preparing the requested material. 
  • Being late is another common mistake
  • Shaking hands: Don’t do it unless they approach you and offer their hand
  • Apologizing before or after your audition.

Whether you are attending auditions, barging in their offices or visiting production houses, you meet casting directors or directors or producers or may be their clients who are sitting with them. They expect a certain behavior and etiquette from you, which sadly they don't get from some of you.

 So here is 14 Screw Ups and how to correct them

1. Behavior

Don't embarrass them in front of their producers / clients (occasionally they be present in an audition or a meeting) or other direction or production colleagues when you show up and still do not have  a perfect preparation or the material memorized.

2. Clothes On And The Perfume Off

Keep your clothes on and the perfume off. If the role calls for exhibiting six packs or a nude scene, it will be done on set. Not in their office or in an audition room.

3. Don't Loiter

When your audition is over, please leave. They are not best friends and I don't want you hanging out in the waiting room or even chatting with their juniors or receptionists if you are calling them in their offices.

 4. Meet Them Through The Proper Channels

If you have registered with coordinators or with an agent, they will submit. I suggest not to phone or email (only once) or tweet repeatedly.

5. No Unnecessary Questions

Don't question whether you are right for a project. If they call you after scrutinizing your portfolio and resume, they might have discussed you with other concerned people and think that you have a chance at the role. They won't call you in to waste your time or theirs. Go and be prepared.

6. Irrespective Of Consequences "Smile"

Be respectful. Even if you are having a bad day, put a smile on your face and be pleasant to them.
7. Thank them irrespective of an outcome. They appreciate that

7. Be Professional

Be professional. If you are called and likely to be out of town, inform them with regret while  still thanking them for the invitation

8.  Be Truthful In Replies

Don't say that you can do something you can't. For example, don't say Yes to 5 nights continuous shoot if can't. Or nude scenes or horse riding  or bike stunts if you can't

9. Don't Mention Age

Never tell anyone your age if you're an adult . If you're an adult, it only matters how old you play in the room or on camera.  You could look far younger than your years or you could look far older than your years. At the most, you can mention only in resume “Screen look range”

10. Strictly Avoid comments, criticism, change in script

Never comment, criticize or change the script or your lines in front of the writer or director or producer of the project or tell anybody else in their office, audition waiting room or while auditioning. However, you are free to have your choices in performance options.

11.  Questions

Ask questions about the material if you are unsure about something. Only ask questions if you need clarity.

12. Request Should Be Appropriate

If you need more time with the material, it's OK to ask for a re-schedule or for another  opportunity if it's a rush call. Better to do your best and be prepared than to go in and try to waste their time and your chances.

13. Be Flexible

Be flexible and be prepared for a change in your lines or performance.

14.  Learn Relaxation Techniques

Invest in researching relaxation techniques so that you can overcome any nervousness previous to your entering the meeting or audition room.
Based on

Updated on 13 07 2017

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