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Don't Be A Mentally Bankrupt |10 Tip-Offs To Be Crazy Actor

An actor and a character
Excellence in Acting: The actor and Character 

This post has a bit higher level, a psychological platform and is for those who want to achieve a true excellence in the acting craft. If you have any questions, please Email me~Author

1. You Are A Freaking Dreamer!

Unlike a common person, you’re always trying to move yourself to some imaginary level—otherwise, why would you choose acting? Why would you choose to spend your days transforming into other lives (playing different characters)?

2. You Are Insane!

  • There must be something about yourself that you’re not quite comfortable with. 
  • Psychotic?
  • A weird life goal? 
  • Some absurd behavior?
  • Lack of money in achieving your goal? 
  • In Love or a failed love?

3. How To Become An Actor

  • You must empty yourself. 
  • Forget what and how you do and live. 
  • Turn yourself into a blank, a clean slate. 
  • Allowing yourself to escape will connect you with that troubled character you have created from the script. 
  • Perhaps entering into another life gives you some hidden pleasure.

4.  Acting

Acting is being very close to like an addiction of some kind. Like drug addiction, alcohol, sex or work.

5. A Good Actor

Be a warrior.
As actors, we all battle with our own evil self inside and we all use "our own way" of whatever it is to numb the pain of not being a normal human being in some way. 

6. What An Audience Expects And A Good Actor Should Give?

What happens is the audience expects a character’s set behavioral pattern (based on their life experiences) as the story moves rather than a "change" to show them who this character is. The question is should an actor show what an audience expects or an opposite and weird? In my opinion, "both" studying the script deeply. Starting from expected turning into unexpected may hold the audience with their jaw dropped and terrified. The question of “what unexpected will I do in such a situation?” probably can be a  creative answer.

7. An Actor Is An Imagination Power House

Imagine someone is asking you one after another question, and you answer them in the voice of the character.  As you speak, you are creating the scene, a story and also,  connecting with the character, developing and playing with character’s mannerisms, his/her voice, physicality. Over time, the character emerges.

8. Fall In Love With The Character

To play the character, you have to fall in love with them. You have to sympathize, have a complete understanding and a deep concern for their personal life-story in the script. Again all this is a game of your imagination, the power of dreaming. After all, it's you as an actor who is creating the character.

9.  The Actor And The Director

The original dreamer of the story is a writer but for an actor, it's the director, the true lunatic who right or wrong, decides the course of a story telling. Therefore, irrespective of how good you are, the options once created by you should be discussed with the director.

10. My Final Opinion

To be a good actor, you have to be very smart. But to be a great actor, you also have to have a streak of, 'I'm an idiot, a complete lunatic'.
The journey as an actor is always fractured, never smooth. There are interim periods, experiencing a lull in work. There will be times when you could be “totally broke,” sitting at home, and thinking I’m never, ever going to make it as an actor. But regular training, preparedness, strong determination and a readiness of “come what may” attitude will get you to where you wanted to be. To be in demand with Hollywood or Bollywood’s top filmmakers. 
Inspired by 

Author Kiran Pande

Acting Coach
Ph.D. B.F.A fine arts (USA)

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