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Make Casting Directors Stop Dead With Strange Fascinating Acting

Acting without trying hard to "Act"
Acting without trying hard to "Act"

How to become an actor without acting?

I don't have an inborn talent, but want to be an actor. How to?

I try hard to act in auditions, but get rejected? Why and what's the solution?

Which is the best acting technique to be selected?


Learn to act naturally as "you" transforming into the character or create your own acting technique
An inborn talent may help you but not an absolute essential. Learn acting without faking
The best acting technique is which suits you. Or after learning the world's best techniques, develop your own. Read further.....

How to be a good an actor without acting

"Don't Try Hard To Act, Please. It looks you are "faking". Be natural"~A. D. Manoj Remola

 Actor Without Acting

How To Master Truthful Acting Without Trying Hard | Under Tension | In A Fear Of Failing Or Rejection 

The growth as an actor and growth as a human being are similar(synonymous). The objective should be to 
  1. Understanding and learning about "Self", to know your type (Archetype) and about what is acting as a delicate art and actor learning with tools, and with the discipline to grow. 
  2. Most importantly, To learn how to develop the limitless human imagination in their task of studying and bringing a script and a character to an interesting life.
  3. This is possible only by becoming neutral, a blank slate/ paper self and by transforming yourself into new life
  4. This can be definitely be done individually at home and be learning to become an actor without so-called "Acting" where an audience finds you as a truthful actor in a given circumstances rather than as a fake or trying hard to play a role.

The Simple 4  Basics Of  Becoming An Actor Are

A.The Self Development

An actor's talent is is him. He should discover, identify and learn how to develop it
To think them and not on anybody's suggestion
Respect their own ideas and values(unique ideas which have been developed over an entire lifetime)
To be an independent and intelligent actor determined to train their mind, bodies, voice, and spirits to achieve their goals (Learn how to set goals)

B. Why Develop The Power Of Imagination?

An actor's imaginations are the most powerful source to create even unimaginative.
To bring a film or a theatre play and characters to life. The actor must be able to create from his own living experiences or by a considerable period of observation of anything he feels by his 5 senses(See, smell, taste, hear and touch). The classical example is of a great actor-Lee J Cobb who acted in an award-winning play "The death of a salesman".

C. The Importance Of "Action"

Drama in a film or at heater depends on 'Doing' rather than 'Saying' or Just 'Feeling'. However, an actor's approach strongly depends on connecting these together by creating a drama(conflict) between him and other characters or with 'given circumstances' in a story. This drama 'should not' be between his own various shades of life(Me and myself)  which may push him into an isolation in the story. These actions especially in for the camera should be subtle, creative and expressive (with eyes and face).

D. Understanding Script And Its Interpretation

  • A story by a writer and recreated as a screenplay for film or a script for a play once submitted is a unique object with its own life and has a tremendous potential to 'impact'on the minds of the audience.To play it is not in words but in you.
  • It's an actor's responsibility  to respect the script with deep and repeated readings, 
  • To know where the script is leading the character
  • Understanding  the character's environment(situation in a scene where the actor is performing)
  • Understanding changes in emotions, conflicts and rhythm and tempo

All of the above becomes easier if he has or developed the power of the imagination to incredible heights. Finally, for an actor to achieve a true excellence resolution, determination and sacrifice becomes essential~ Author

Inspired by an article from great acting teacher and author-Stella Adler

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