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3 Tips On How To Display Strong Emtions Instantly

Bollywood stars exhibiting strong emotions
Bollywood stars exhibiting strong emotions

 Facts On Displaying Emotions

  • First of all, rarely, not even the best actors, can summon emotions "at will".  They can often portray emotions easily by physicalization (by moving body parts like hands, making faces etc) or what we call as by "Classical Methods". However, these methods may sometimes produce exaggerated responses which may not be appropriate as per the script or for the camera.

  • Not everyone has the natural ability to access their own emotions so easily.  It is something that may need years of work - and is one of the reasons why acting is not anywhere near as easy as people seem to think it is.

How to access those emotions?  

First, be aware of them.  Think about yourself.  What triggers certain emotions in yourself?  Anger, pain, frustration, joy, silliness, fear, and all the others.  How do each of them feel?  Can you think of an incident in your life that made you feel that way?  How did your body react when you felt that emotion?  What did your face and body do?  Did you pull away?  Did your mouth go dry?  What else?

There are a number of ways to access emotion.  However, I consider the following method as the best, based on my own experience:

1. Look for the stimulus (Trigger) in the script
The most valuable, method is to use the content of the script to trigger the emotions you need.  Or rather, to allow yourself to immerse yourself in the character and in the circumstances of the scene, to be fully "in the moment" and let the character's emotion arise in you naturally in reaction to the character's experiences.

2. Analyze the character

The best way to do this is to fully understand your character.  Really study him.  And do it in the first person - "I" am, "I" want, etc.  In other words think "IF" I'm that person. As soon as you can do an autobiography of your character... ask the important questions and answer them - who am I? where and when do I live?  what is my life like? am I happy with my life and if not, why not and what would I want my life to be? who else is part of my life and what is my relationship with them? what do I like, who do I love and who do I hate? what do I want - in my life, in the play, in each scene, in each moment?  Explore your character's life, his relationships, his childhood, his family, his circumstances, the world he lives in.  Get to know him and the people he deals with as well as you know yourself and the world you live in.

Always remember, the final character is a combination, a blend of what the story writer has written, what the director has envisioned, and what you have created.  When you truly know the character and have incorporated him into you and you into him, then you will be able to react "as" him in the context of the scenes you are acting.

3. Use the power of imagination and concentration

Then, finally, let yourself be "in the moment".   Now you need to focus; to use your concentration to "be" in that world, to react "as" the character, to use your imagination to make that world on the stage or on a film scene you are in, for that moment, more real than the "real" world.  Let yourself go; relax; let yourself be the character and simply react to what is happening to you.
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  1. Bring out out instant emotions is the most important part of acting.......

  2. When an actor allows himself/herself to get completely focused into the character's situation and, allows himself or herself to feel the emotions that one feels under such circumstances, isn't it a little difficult for the actor to snap out of it when the scene's over? Or does that lingering affect also disappear after much practice over time? With a person who is prone to be a naturally emotional type person, it seems to me that such a person would have a difficult time of it trying to get out of the mood or train of thought that caused the emotions he or she needed for the scene in a film. I guess there is nothing definite one way or the other regarding that sort of thing since so many factors are involved. It's just a thought that crossed my mind. I was thinking about Shah Rukh Khan, actually. He seems to always be one step away from sadness whenever he is not kept busy. I can imagine tearing up may come more readily for him in many instances but, I don't see it being as easy for him to shut it off --- unless he is immediately distracted from it once the scene/s over. Since I am inclined to be an emotional person & because of life experiences I may cry easily when I'm reminded about one(especially visually) but, I wonder if I would have problems shaking off that emotional state even though I know it is all just pretend. These articles about instant emotions, etc. prompted me be curious but not enough to try it. I'm not an actor; therefore, it just doesn't seem like anything I would want to experience and,I didn't put it on my "bucket list". Have a wonderful day and thanks for the interesting lesson.


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